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The Man Who Was Afraid

Chapter 5 

Word Count: 3303    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

at each meeting with his godfather was strengthening in him the feeling of hostility toward the old man. Sometimes Yakov Tarasovich roused in his godso

lizard at play. Unable to conceal his feelings, Foma often expressed them to Mayakin rather rudely, both in words and in gesture, but the old man, pretending not to notice it, kept a vigilant eye on him, directing his each and every step. Wholly absorbed by the steamship affairs of the young Gordyeeff, he even neglected his own little shop, a

ed already. Foma admired her words and listened to her just as eagerly as to her father; but whenever she started to speak of Taras with love and anguish, it seemed to him that she was hiding another man under that name, perhaps that same Yozhov, who according to her words, had to leav

ad reputation. On the Exchange, he noticed, everybody looked at him sneeringly, malevolently, and

eff! Mi

e now losing in his eyes the witchery of their wealth and wisdom. They had more than once snatched out of his hands this or that profitable contract; he clearly saw that they

r - a hazardous affair. There they fight f

e this," ann

everything - ther

ess, dear, on approaching a man you must hold honey in your left hand, and clutch a kn

od later. When you have taken the upper hand, then it will be good. Life

broken teeth in his mouth ro

itten many,

ord - battle!" rep

" asked Foma, looking

t do you mean

er than this? Does thi

rst place in life - one by this means, another by that means. But everyone is positively anxious to be seen from afar, like a tower. And man was indeed appointed to go upward. Even the Book of Job says: 'Man

!" said Foma, firm

re so that a big mountain should seem to you but a hillock, and the sea but a puddle. Eh! When I was of

skaya assumed that character, which they were bound to assume. He longed for her, he always yearned to see her; while in her presence he became timid, awkward and stupid; he knew it and suffered on this account. He frequently visited her, but it was hard to find her at home alone; perfumed dandies like flies over a piece of sugar - were always flitt

e full of beautiful and frail things, scattered about the room with a carelessness equally dangerous to them and to Foma. But when he walked there, the rugs did not drown his footsteps, and all these things caught at his coat, trembled and fell. Beside the piano stood a sai

dly smile, she would take a seat beside him in one of the cosy corners of her drawi

g like a cat, she would gaze into his eyes with her dar

n tired of all the rest of them. They're all so boring, ordinary and worn-ou

them!" replied

she aske

s away from her and

es have you a

d for you

hard, but

st kn

sternly. And she opened her eyes wide and

of you? What does i

angelic that he could

love you!" said he hotly, and immediately added s

m him. "I am always extremely pleased to hear you say this, with so

time. Smiling and graceful, not in the least moved by his passion, she freed her hand from his. Pensively, she looked at him with

an altogether new race, an entire race with original traditions, with an enormous energy of bod

s he was seized with a wild, coarse desire to embrace and kiss her. But her beauty and the fragility of her thin, supple body awakened in him a fear of breaking and disfiguring her, and her calm, caressing voice and the clear, but somewhat cautious look of her eyes chilled his passion; it seemed to him as though she were looking stra

hy, strong youth at her mercy; she liked to rouse and tame the animal in him merely with her voice and glance, and confident of the power of her superiority, she found pleasure in thus playing with him. On leaving

e asked h

! Have you ever


" exclaimed Fom

ook of a very naive l

why do you want to know wheth

r in a heavy voice, as though he was lifting every word f

n birth to children - such a woma

kind are t

!" Foma bl

ver laughter, and Foma, looki

ength. "Perhaps I've said

improper. You are a pure, amiable boy

ith beaming eyes. And she glanced at him, as she had never done before; her l

," she said to him, as she rose without

stricter and more sincere, as though she pitied him, but later

scape his godfather's notice, and one day the

ur head more often so that yo

ou mean?"

You are going to

" said Foma, rather rudely. "A

as to calling her Sonka - everybody knows that is her name. So does ever

mly, frowning and hiding his hands i

s, the expenses - one thousand nine hundred; the expenses really did not even amount to a thousand roubles, for everybody d

w. "And I learn from them. What am I? I know nothing. What was I taught? While there they spe

t might be less dangerous for you to go to the tavern; the people there are after all better than Sophya's people. And you, young man, you should have lea

rom Mayakin, thrusting his hands still deeper into his pockets. B

y were enthusiastically discussing business matters in a friendly way. It was in March. The water under the sledge-runners w

we arrive?" asked Mayakin, unexpected

ma, shortly, and

ive her presents?" asked Mayakin

s? What for?"

on't say. Does she live with you

hame, turned abruptly toward th

at it is a shame to listen to you! To say such a

lips and sang out

ank out of the pot, nothing but the dregs remained, and now a fool has made a god unto himself of this dirty pot. Devil

hreatening voice, "I cannot bear to hea

in cried out, clasping his hands. "So she has led you by t

ger, even tears Foma had never before seen him in such a

! 0h Lord! The Bab

, and in rude, cynical words he began to speak of Med

e now began to breathe with difficulty and he

he begged softly and sadly,

d as soon as possible!" excl

o not speak," uttered

and in his sad look. On the right and on the left of the road a field stretched itself, covered here and there with patches of winter-raiment. Rooks were hopping bu

h!" exclaimed Mayakin, in a low

and yet he sees the snout of a beast - t

lainly," said

Consequently, go to Sonka, if you cannot do without it, and tell her plainly. That's how the matter stand

stand," said Fom

t understand? I und

has a heart,"

ked his eye

e has n

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