The Bad Boy at Home, and His Experiences in Trying to Become an Editor / 1885
A $15,0
sed to the casheer tonite, wen I walked up to the de
Dem-mercrazey in the Grand Opera House, and the candydates had all the sall
in collishun with a elderberrie pie, and a sute of cloes wot was bort wen old Father Adam's wardrope of fig leeves was sold out by the Sherruf of Eden county. That is a kyrect pickter of them fellers w
t open sumthin mite happin wot would hurt the reputashun of the partie in the common hurd wot do the votin. But then the d
led a platform. Then the onherabel members, got orful full of 'nthusyasm, cos the nommernashun for Guvner, was in order, jest then my
Joe Gilley,
a barrel, S
llars, past befor thir eyes. Then ther was a loud cheir, and Joe Gilley wos nommernated by acclamashun. The rest of the ticket was put on the slate, by order of John Kelley, and the delergates
I know'd the boy wot brung the note. I told him
ng. Then he thanked me, and give me a cuppel of segars, one for Jimmy and one for me, to call it square. We're goin' to save 'em til to-morrer after dinner, cos it tain
, but he says he guesses he can stummick