The Bad Boy at Home, and His Experiences in Trying to Become an Editor / 1885
er D
and me has been puttin' in our days havin' fun. I've got to give all that sorter thing up now, cos I've accepted a persisshu
kno nothin' but base-ballin' and prize fitin' wen 'he gets thru. All them fellers wot rite in dirys begin by usin
menny airs over your cleen wite dress, wot only needs a morocker lether mantel
ve bean in the mazey, lacey laberinths of wite linnin wot aud
ipes, closely incircling a cupple of been-poles-no, not eggsactly been-poles, but the sharp
rospecktive Preserdent, but you didn't stay on hi
hav ben part of Mrs. Dr. Walker's patent backackshun, maskuline, dress-reform trowsers, wot she sent to
your pages, so that, shuld the toes of my boots be applide to the patent bucket early in my useful carreer, the hull wurld'll kno wot a treassure socieaty has lost. I a
a perfeshunal carrieer has led me to axcept a posishun in the publick-opinyun-moldin' shop wots known as the D
Sulfur Baths, via the Haydies Short Line, our fitin' edit-her corndoctor. This paper is run on red-hot indypendant principels,
re in wich I have mbarked in the capacerty of typergraf