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The Missing Link in Modern Spiritualism

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 3324    |    Released on: 01/12/2017


gonism-Noble Friends-Experiences and Th

occupied by any one, save the "murdered man." Many went there

nto the cellar, and called on the spirits t

urged us to go forth and do our duty. We learned from them to take a more liberal view, as they had taught us many valuable lessons of forbearance and perseverance. When I saw my dear good brother bow with the others, and ask questions of the Spirits, my soul and all within me was lifted beyond the scoffs and ridicule which I knew we must submit to i

y Bush, Lyman Granger, Mr. Post, Dr. Faulkner, and Rev. A. H. Jervis. The above-named were old and tried friends, and we felt no hesitation in calling upon them; but when David was requested to invite gentlemen living in the vicinity of Hydesville, with whom he had little or no acquaintance, he positively refused to do their bidding. The friends in Rochester received this announcement with apparent satisfaction. All came at the appointed time. Mr. and Mrs. Granger and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bush, Mrs. Jervis, Dr. Faulkner and his little son, etc. I doubt if either of these gentleme

ur ears. This continued until the bright, beautiful dawn of the morning warned us that it was time to prepare for the labors of the day. We were commanded by the Spirits thus-"Go forth and do your duty, and good will come of it." Chauncy Culver, my brother's wife's brother, called in, and David said: "Chauncy, you are politely invited to join us in the digging to-day." He answered, "I am willing to do so, Dave." Others who had been named, but not invited, dropped in by chance, and all united with us; but the great burden fell upon David's shoulders. Chickens were cooked, puddings, pies, cakes, and sweet-meats were prepared by my brother's wife, Elizabeth, and my sister Maria. Our living was sumptuous, and we had very li

Faulkner and his little son being in the parlor bedroom. All heard the manifestations that night; and they were most wonderful in char

ve or six wagons to convey us to our destination, forming quite a procession of our own; but as we came to the turn of the hill, from whence we could see in all directions, there were vehicles of every description wen

glory. They have passed through the fiery furnace, entered the "golden gate" of the new Jerusalem; and to them offer your praises and admiration. Such men and women as those dared to stand before the wo

n bowl!" (The Spirit always said that the bowl which caught his blood was buried; and he represented nightly the sound of pouring blood into a vessel or bowl, dropping slower and slower, until at last it ceased entirely; and then the sound would come as if the bowl were thrown and broken in pieces.) Several bones were found which doctors pronounced human bones, stating to

y the general public opinion. We pitied him, and regretted that he had been named; but we never knew that such a m

he obstruction, when the augur dropped to the handle. They then obtained bits, and attached them to long sticks, and with them bored several inches, when the bit would drop to the depth of a foot or more. In this way they lost two of the bits, which dropped through and were not recovered. By this time the excitement was overwhelming. The cellar was filled with people. Some cried, "Drag out the women! drag them out!" Others said, "Don't hurt the women, drag out

an, Henry Bush, with the acquies

t night and the following day our friends returned

holly impossible to put our story in one volume: but I deem it d

been gathered. Some drove through the gate, but others took down the fences, and drove through the grain fields, and peppermint beds, regardless of the destruction they were per

o mob us. At this announcement we were much frightened, and knew not what to do. Intimations of such a design had reached us previously, and powder and shot had been provided

med. God will protect you." We stood for a moment and counselled together. The package of powder flew from the top of the bureau and hit Cathie on the forehead, and that of the shot came and struck me on the shoulder. My brother too

any of us knew they had entered the door-yard. David left us alone in the parlor, walked into the kitchen, and said to the woman, "If you had knocked I would have opened the door for you; it was not locked." He then opened all the doors, walked out to the crowd, and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, walk in. You a

thers subsequently have ended. The Spirits, therefore,

ering leather, and working late in the night. Then it was "some boards that must be loose and shaken by the wind." Then it appeared that "there must be dancing going on at Mr. Duesler's, or some other house within hearing;" then "the house must be full of rats"-though mother declared she had never seen a rat in it. Again, when the knocks would break out suddenly, close to some of the family, or at the table, one of the girls would charge the other with having caused them, saying, "Now you did that," etc., etc. Father had always been a regular Methodist, in good standing, and was invariable in his practice of morning prayers; and when he would be kneeling upon his chair, it would sometimes amuse the children to see him open wide his eyes, as knocks would sound and vibrate on his chair itself. He expressed

occupied pursuing the sounds about from place to place, puzzling over them, and baffled in every attempt to discover a cause. The door would be pounded upon from the outside, and father would take hold of the handle, and on the return of the knocking would suddenly fling the door open, only to discover nothing.

ng as its tenants. Prior to its occupation by a certain family there had been no such disturbances; subsequently to then, they had been experienced by a

Indian name

of this mode of communication between the two worlds, through knockings given in correspondence with the letters of the alphabet. Through another medium, besides the author of this volume, he has told me that out of "millions" he at last found in the Fox family the instruments he wanted for its practical application and introduction. This narrative curiously shows how hard and long they too struggled against the mission to which the Spirits were leading and at last forcing them, as will be seen below. I asked him

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