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The Missing Link in Modern Spiritualism

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 2808    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ER (Con

s-God's Telegraph between the two Worlds-An Eviction-Committee of Five-No Money Accepted-I

ould not stand the "racket." His wife complained to him, and declared that she was afraid to remain at home with the children while he was absent. One day, while they were eating dinner, they heard knocks on their table. He was furious in his irritation at this, and coming up to me said: "You are ventriloquists, and I will put a stop to your doings. I will have you arrested if I ever hear any noises

or protection. We were in this position when Calvin returned. That night the sounds continued until daylight. The furniture on the second floor moved in every direction. Books were thrown about the room. The bureau in the bed-room was moved so that it blocked up the door. The music, from the parlor, flew at us while at breakfast in the dining-room. We knew not what to do. We had been in the habit of conversing by putting direct questions, which could be answered affirmatively or negatively; but we did not think of getting the alphabet, until our dear friend Isaac Post came in. He said to me, "Leah, why, don't thee remember that thy brother David converse

e will rap five times, in quick succession; and you will know whenever it is called for." When this was concluded there was a trem

s speakers, or signatures as writers. On the occasion here mentioned I think there must have been a score of spirits who rapped one after the other, some on the table, some on the door, ceiling, windo

ad been made known through clairvoyants, speaking mediums an

elegraph[5] ante-dated t

t consent to let it be publicly known that we were having such m

landlord and got his concurrence, and obtained a warrant for our removal from our house. It will be recollected that this was Mr. J. B. Bennett, to whom, when I engaged the house of him, I said I wanted a new house where no crime had been committed, as I believed the house I lived in was haunted; and that he replied, "I think you will have no difficulty on that account." Yet he at once consented to our expulsion b

y required time to prove it to the world. Many of those precious souls have passed to the world beyond, and I know they rejoice in Heaven to-day

I remained quiet and permitted the little angel to do as it wished to, without disturbing the conditions requisite to enable it to come so near me, there was no shrinking or withdrawal on the part of the Spirit, who had thus far re-entered this mundane sphere to prove to us, beyond a doubt, that she still lived, and loved us. We

in the paths of truth and duty. The alphabet was called for, and the following message was given and signed by our ever revered grandfather, known to his family and friends as a man of encyclop?

appreciate this great dispensation. You must permit your good frien

our gra

ob S

the table with us. This method immediately, as a consequence, placed the subject before the community. It was discussed everywhere, both publicly and privately. Mr. Isaac Post's store was be

ndeed, for the first two years, we scorned the idea of receiving money from visitors. We felt that it would be degrading to accept money for the exhibition of spiritualism. Our time and business were greatly interfered with, and the overwhelming question frequently arose, "What shall we do? We cannot endure this much longer." But there was a course marked out for us (unconsciously to ourselves) to follow. For a time we fancied things were going on better, and we felt

responses were given, but

ar motive in tormenting us, but they seemed delighted to lead us on, and deceive the visitors who sought them in su

ne." This, our friends would sometimes take exception to, and complain that they should break off so abruptly. We could not explain, to their satisfaction, that we were exhausted under the constant pressure of mind and body. The Spirits, knowing this, would give the signal "done." After this word done was spelled, we never obtained anything of

ng in Batavia had induced his ministe

not understand the meaning of this, and continued their questions. Suddenly a loud rapping, in a dist

creatures we were. The friend who had brought him was mortified in the extreme. They remained in town, and called on us again the next morning. All things w

'done,' you should not seek for further communications. Order is heaven's first law, and you

When manifestations and communications were consistent, we believed them to come from good Spirits; but when they were to the contrary, we condemned all as evil. We had no religious preju

about, reacted upon us in conformation of our own natural and educational impressions, that the whole thing was of evil origin, unnatural, perplexing, and tormenting; while its unpopularity tended to cast a painful shadow upon us. We resisted it, struggled against it, and constantly and earnestly prayed for deliverance from it, even while a strange fascination attached to these marvellous manif

it had proceeded, by whom it was directed, and, so to speak, engineered. We have since come to understand that all these events and incidents, perplexing and distressful as they were to us

ve been the principal initiator, not to say the inventor of this new development in the evolution of Humanity, was the great man known to earthly fame as the father of electrical science, as he was one

of matter and spirit, as that of Morse had done betwee

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