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The Missing Link in Modern Spiritualism

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 2864    |    Released on: 01/12/2017



en of my sister Katie, now Mrs. Jencken (pronounced Yencken); for I have now before me two pie

e in his movements and cries, his mother, to quiet him, gave him the paper and pencil (it was a piece of white blotting paper, not much inked by use), as the child was fond of scratching lines and marks. She said, "There! take that, and keep still." He dropped th

o inspection of the sentence written by the child, then one year old. His father had been delighted, at his birth, with the appearance of so beautiful a child; and his baptismal name was Ferdinand Lowenstein Diedrick. His pet name was "Boysie." The extent of his baby vocabulary at that time was "papa" and "mamma

me by Mr. Jencken), of a piece of writing executed by his infant fingers at the age of five months and eighteen days (of course controlled by Spirit power), in these words: I love this little boy. God bless his mama. J. B. F. And below, I am happy (the last syl

ing on the other side of this leaf was written by our infant child, aged five months and eighteen days, in our presence, in a clear light, the

d lithographic copies of the two

cle from the London Spiritualist of December

ton-Crescent, Brompton, has had further disturbances in his house,

g-room to turn down the gas burners. As she approached the door she saw its handle turn round and she cried out, 'Who is that?' The door then opened, and a veiled figure looked out at her. She only saw a part of the f

t woman, young and pleasant-looking, robed in white, entered, and returned quickly, twice. At first the nurse thought that a joke was being played upon her; but, upon searching the adjoining roo

tly distinct to be intelligible. They also heard footsteps going right up to the top of the house. When the police arrived they searched the house and found nothin

his form, she said, was covered with a shawl, like that worn by Mrs. Jencken before she left the house

ccasion, a gold ring was seen knocking against the iron rail at the head of the bedstead. Last Sunday we questioned the nurse and housemaid on all these points. They were in a very nervous

aby.' When Mr. Jencken stated this, we called his attention to the circumstance that a similar thing had occurred in connection with the mediumship of Swedenborg, whose eyes shone for a time with such lustre, as to frighten some persons who unexpectedly entered his room. In that case

en leave town for B

tled "Nineteenth Century Miracles." The writing in this case was, "I love this little child God bless him advise his father to go back to London on Monday by all means. Susan." The

fingers of a baby. My sister wrote me at the time a long letter about it, full of anxiety lest so wonderful a child could not be expected to grow up to health. Its correctness is therefore unimpeachable. But I must add that the letter-press at the bottom, in which the age of the infant is given as "nine days,"

) refused admittance, who wanted to see some specimens of his mediumistic manifestations; until his parents wisely determined to break it all off, and not

ive, and bright, as well as beautiful;-and further that his parents have kep


and just to every one. She had great power of discrimination, and seldom failed in her estimate of character. Her portrait looks down upon me from

equal distance from mother and her portrait, alternately looking from one to the other. As I stepped in the door, he turned to me and said, "Mrs. Underhill, if that were the portrait of my mother, and she were li

to all investigations necessary to establish a new truth (for new it was, to us), or to submit to, or rest under the condemnation of the

e was ready to go to church and stood in the library, waiting for my husband, who was going with him. I stood beside him when suddenly the signal for the al

ng to me?" The answer was, "Yes, I am your mother Catharine." He then asked, "Is my father here too?"

to them?" He replied, "It would matter little to me whether they did or not. I not only

me (holding up the little message in his hand), "This, to me, is far stronger

aint against you for countenancing your children in carrying on a wicked deception. It is calculated to do much harm, and it is contrary to the religion of the Bible." He urged her to make her confession before the church, and cause her children to discontinue their unholy pursuit, and she could remain in good standing in the church. This little man was a circuit preacher, and we suppose had taken upon himself to do the Lord's work, in his own way, as we never hear

ill, chile. Don't you be afeared. I don'

e church, but the leading members

ping mediums are necessarily of nervous temperam

been singularly free from all manner of ailments so common in thousands of families. We had no taint of hereditary scrofula, were never subject to inflammatory diseases. Healthy, sound, and strong, not easily frightened, steadfast in faith, and never disposed to believe anything without evidence. I have very little interest in anything covered by the words theoretic speculations, or in self-induced conditions, in which

tle part to play beyond that of consenting spectator in the early history of Spiritualism, yet my mother's part in it, and services to its cause, were of the highest value and importance. Her strength, moral and mental, as the central figure of our family group before the public, largely suppo

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