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The Ranger Boys Outwit the Timber Thieves


Word Count: 3210    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

re pleasant to eat in the house than to cook by the roadside somewhere. It had got qu

of their adventures with Jean LeBlanc, in order to explain why th

his chums that they get their packs and journey on for a bit ti

ut could offer them nothing as their cottag

If you are bound to sleep outdoors you can use the back yard or you can spread your blankets on the

custom of the boys to draw lots to settle all arguments, so hustling into the kitchen Garry raid

rin he spread his blankets and remarked to the oth

a floor and we aren't in the woods so we can't cut branches to make one of nature's ma

ould do to checkmate the schemes of the unknown enemies that were causing all the trouble at the lumber camp. But Garry was a healthy

s sleep until it was almost ready, then awoke them. The boys protested against all the trouble they were causing their hosts, but their protests were only hal

und that they would go nearly twenty-five miles before coming to another town, as the way ra

omorrow. There's a good chance that you will get a lift, however, for there is a circus there today, and you should find a great many people on the road. Don't be bashful about hailin

p, do not let on that you are already acquainted with us, because if we are to

and that way it'll

rry and see how many miles we can

opped short i

Dick. He wants to hurry. If it was later in the day I would say that he had been a bit touch

" ejaculated Phil in amaze

ew that he never shirked his duty when called upon, and they never questioned his bravery at any time, but he always got so fussed when they ragged him about his

hurry? We are well up on our schedule

"and furthermore, I wanted to show you for once that I could walk

arry and Phil saw that he was in earnest. Not to be outdone by him, they bent to their walking and made excellent time. They were passing a barn, when suddenly Garry stopped dead short, gave a shout and then fell

Holmes? I've found out why Dick is trying to set a pe

glaring posters pasted on

wants to go

"Own up, wouldn't you fello

there was method in Dick's madness and they decided that it woul

would be on the way to the circus and we could get a lift and arrive in time to see the show this afternoon. Then we could get another start right afte

ll see the circus and not waste any time doing it, ei

the side of the road, after Dick had stopped at a f

shing their meal, they rested fifteen minutes, then Garry, glancing at his watch, remarked: "We have still ten miles to go, and it is now half-past twelve. The circus probably begins at half

f we have to wait for the evening performance

take it easy for the rest of the way." Luck was with them, however, for they had gone little more than a mile when they heard a car coming behind them. It

the circus?" as

uld stop and see it if we reached there on time, ot

er, "for there isn't going to be any evening show. You see I happen to be connected with the circus

ad walked all this distance for nothing, I w

ou come?" asked

this morning,"

, who were wearing their customary khaki semi-uniform that they used as Rangers in the forest, deci

ing, walking across th

angers off duty temporarily and were bo

ed the man by referring to many things in a way that circus people did not. The circus man told them of

It is always called a top. There are the big top and the little tops.

he circus he is called a First of May, because it is on that date that many contracts are made in the circus. Acrobats are

m. Funny; he's been diving forty feet into an eight foot tank for several years, and never got a scratch, and then he slips on a banana peeling and breaks hi

wenty-five," sai

," asked the circ

y-five dollars and I'll do your

doubted his ears, and Garry and Phil immediately assu

s often done better than that in the ri

his is an eight foot square tank, and

y in eight feet. Have done it in

ngs up. He'll be glad to pay you that amount for the work, for it's a big attraction and

lot, and true to his word, the advertising man carried Dick roun

o give an exhibition for him before the show started. The only thing that the manager insisted on was

t some tights and get dressed, they wandered around the lot. They left their

e idea?" a

ng, but I don't want any of those riders to wal

er one shoulder. Several curious glances were cast at them as they wandered from show t

them that called all the performers to be ready in a few moments. "Your act will be the f

r seats and watch their chum do his

enty-five good old dollars. I can use it very nicely one of these days,

average road circus, and among other things was a fairly good menagerie. Gar

waiting for the lions to be taken into the big performing cage, after which he woul

he," Garry remarked to the

ell. We had a nice old chap before him, too old and tired and toothless to do any har

boys hurry to their seats, an

rcus workers are called, pulled away some of the planking of the plat

sed in a glaring red bathing suit. He mounted to the tank, and the chums c

ech, telling a lot of stuff abo

aster," laughed Garry. "The only diving Dick has ever done bef

at the top. As he had been told to do outside the big top, he dropped a handkerchief which slowly fluttered

, Dick tipped off the platform. Both Phil and Garry were just a trifl

d on the surface of the water and climbed out dripping. A mighty round of applause was given not

he boys hailed him as he neared the place where they were sitting, and in a

l, you are not the only one to have jobs offered them." He alluded to the time that a big league baseball scout had offered a contract to Phil after seeing him pitch one

en there was a piercing shriek from

ion is

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