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The Ranger Boys Outwit the Timber Thieves


Word Count: 2430    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

boys went out to take in a motion picture show, after f

moment to watch a street fakir selling knive

e with your name and address inla

of those for myself,"

have your good heavy scout kni

ome out of the woods; we won't want to carry a great

of the show if you w

his way, Garry," inter

ed the transparent handle back on the knife. Dick handed

red a crew of motion picture actors while they were at their first station in the woods, and when they had some stirring adventures the time Jean

there flashed on the screen the parts where they were playing roles.

h the crowd and returned to the hotel and were ab

ot have Sandy with us, so I am going to telegraph Nate and ask if he

mission to the border to capture the smugglers, they had left the dog in Nate's keeping, as they were afraid that the sight of the dog

romptly made his way to the desk where t

first stopping in to say good night to Mr. Boone, and advising him to see t

all were sleeping the sound sleep of h

ellent hotel fare. They spent a part of the forenoon in overhauling and looking over their radio-phone equipment to see that it was all in perfect

hotel shortly after the noon hour set in and with him was Sandy. The boys were seated in some of the arm chairs that dotted the lobby, and in less than a moment the dog had found his friends, and nearly

ur-footed friend as he was to welcome them,

k charge of him. And let me tell you, he is some dog. Saved me

three crowded around the old "State of M

to raise the dead. I hopped downstairs as soon as I could reach for a rifle that stood in the corner of my bedroom, just in time to see Sandy going through an open window. I chased out after him, but someone was just driving away in an automobile as I got out of the window. Sandy ran the car down the road a piece, but came back beaten and tuckered out. He was fast, but not quite fast enough to catch the car, going at the rate it was. Well, I got back in thr

gain and again as they

trace of the rob

id for the land that evening, and that I kept a little valuable stuff in the desk, but there is no proof or nothing to

lling Mr. Boone they went into the dining room. In a few moments they were joined

essed himself as sorry that they were not immediately going back on the fire patrol, he agreed th

to the camp instead of riding in the hot stuffy train. They decided to start that afternoon, as soon as the sun began to lower,

d take what little extra time was ne

store and purchase enough provisions to last them on the trip,

o reach the logging camp by late afternoon of the day after tomorrow

t have to carry so much extra stuff in our packs, an

nt to carry too heavy

" protested Dick hotly, "that's

a bit so he grinned and turning on his heel starte

short time, and soon the bags were pa

and Mr. Boone, and the trio

re in a ticklish position just at present and unless I find the cause of the disturbance and thefts

e some pretty fine work for boys lately and I look to see them get to the nigger in the wood-pile and roust

Garry as they started, "for it will be at least three hour

e all set in your

and the manager at the hotel garage gave me some other dir

the sun was setting, when a chugging automobile was heard back of them. So

s, then stopped his

ng f

ter," answ

red the farmer boy. "I'm going on about four mile

would," br

and they accepted the lift, for it mea

ily along the road. Despite its aged and decrepit appearance

but I manage to keep the engine in pretty good condition. You can't keep a farm car looking up to time every minute. Well, I turn in

ed his invitation, saying that they would

the sun and then re

urselves too much. We haven't done much of anything all day so if we want to let out a bit we can t

s where the houses were beginning to get scattered, and they were deciding how far to proceed before picking a spot to camp for the night when they heard a call for help and the sounds of a scuffle. In the

This gave the affair the aspect of a robbery instead of a quarrel among a lot of ruffians, so calling his ch

hing toward him when Phil and Dick turned the bend in the road. Seeing that they were outnumbered, and with no thought of the fact that the boys might fire on them, they

ver and fell at full l

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