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The Ranger Boys Outwit the Timber Thieves


Word Count: 2801    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

e little roll of bark, which he had not yet picked up.

l, that one of our friends has been in this vicinity within the past few hours. Cast your eyes on

out Dick and Phil

's the Hermit, and it's just the kind of a note I expected to find. Listen to this. 'Unseen watchers often give the best aid. When you need me

," said Dick. "How in the name of all that's wonderf

e told him where we were going, and since he knew that we were good friends, might have given him an inkling of the business t

of him. Much as I would like to see him, I confess I would have been a little b

t after he left the

w, since we can do nothing about our friend the Hermit, as he will come in his own good time, is to see what has happened to Sandy. I cannot understand his going away. He

cutting operations, asking all the workers they met whether or not the dog had been seen. Their search

s so, and I'm inclined to believe it more and more, if any harm comes to Sandy through the machinations of this crew that are trying to

ave," replied Dick as he patted his friend on the shoulder. Phil said nothing, but the others could see by the tightening

ookout. Phil, you watch the cookee closely and see if there are any more midnight appointments to be made. Dick, you look out for the sawmill, and see if there is any funny business being done with the saw. You know enough about machinery to be able to detect if it is working properly, and your common sense will tell you if there seems to be a slackening up of production. It stands to reason that the boss of the sawmill must be in on this scheme, fo

he intention of offering his services in peeling potatoes to the cookee in order that

e one of the tractors seemed to be having continual trouble with the engine, and several minutes on each trip were consumed in needless repairs. Dick could see with half an eye that there was little the t

purposely overlooked, and after he had watched the man waste ten min

aged to restrain his temper, although he wanted to

h your business, but your wire to your batter

g about, the driver attached the wire and in a

o bring in the logs on his back. In the course of a week that would mean almost a day's product

up different parts of the machinery. He did not seem to like Dick's watching him,

"The ones that we ordered haven't shown up yet, and if any

about the saw, but he could see that th

ed from the mill and started in the direction of the camp, evidently to hold a conference with Barrows. Dick was turning to saunter out when he heard a terrific tearing sound as of steel being ground between heavy rollers, then a cry of pain from the sawyer. Di

n and threw off the lever. Then he returned to the injured man. The flying teeth of the saw had cut his face in

he upper part where it would hit the saw. Dick asked the old man who had told them how to fumigate their shack the day before if

at the saw was irreparably ruined. Most of the teeth had been bent or broken off, and a further examination showed that s

shing up to the mill to inquire what was the trouble. Garry was with

ws needlessly, for he could see with hal

ered Dick. "Must have struck a ton of metal in

rrows. "Whoever hear

nquired Garry soberly, for the purpose

been, a defective saw," repea

ther time it nearly killed the sawyer when the belt flew off and almost got him tangled up in the machinery. There's one sure way to find out what caused it, an

out why you know so much about the matter," and Barrows

ere was nothing for Barrows to do but follow the suggestion and order the log rolled off. This was done, and then several wedges were driven in, and u

old man. "Shame, too, a nice saw like that r

pinion wasn't asked. Besides, I am still wondering how y

e little tricks. There's dirty work afoot her

a good one, too; you go and get your pay from the tim

rifle hasty, Mr. Bar

s. You know I am protecting your father's business, and there has been so much funny business going on lately that something m

protector you are, and you know that Collins

he office. A moment later Dick unobtrusively followed him. In a

nderfoot, I don't know what it is or why, but it's there. Too many accidents. You watch that Barrows and watch the timekeeper, and

nd that the old fellow either did not know anythi

ned to the office, while Garry went to the bunkhouse to see if he could re

he attempted holdup, Arthur Howells. He acted according

er and cruiser,"

rom Howells to come with him after dinner and watch the operations. Barrows heartily advised the boys

y for the purpose of getting them away from the c

himself with a scaling stick, marked off in measurements, whi

what news?

m of the events that had tr

tter of the spiked tree, and was indignant

your father a good many years ago, Garry, and he would never do an

et," said Garry, "is to

re is something even deeper yet. I always get the reports from the receiving stations of the amount of lumber that is sent out. I know a

ou mean?"

somehow, your father's lumber is bei

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