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The Sky Detectives; Or, How Jack Ralston Got His Man


Word Count: 1549    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

d the darkness of the earlier part of the night, Jack and his fellow voyager continued plunging along in a very satisfac

just congratulating himself for about the fourth time at having such a comfortable flight, when he

hat, to spoil such a da

he other make this little remark that bespoke ex

ne was more'n enough for a single jump. But we're agoin' t

slow us down more or less; but what does that matter, when we've got time to burn. The Big Boss told us, remember, not to hurry things at all

run smack up against, fog's the one I despise most. It's got me in bad more'n a few times, so I've g

ing around among airmen I've found that often even the most daring and reckless in the bunch had some kind of a weakness, if only you looked far enough under th

trunk sky-high in the air, an' squeal like fun just when a little half grown mouse happened to run along near his alley. Well, I'm the tusker, an' fog is the mouse,

gh the thickest nest of fog anybody ever stacked up against. Naturally we can't expect to get the full benefit of its capacity to hold a speeding plane on its true course; because the inve

ut. "You showed a level head, partner, when you decided to take the offer o' that gent in Atlanta, and try the thing out. Guess, then, I needn't bother my head 'bout gettin' astray; if things

en, factory, and even aboard our air cruisers. While the brainwork and strain grow harder the actual manual labor

nished from view, ditto the gorgeous round moon. Still, since the sky remained brighter in the east, it was not

, below-they seemed to be hung in unlimited space; but pushing along with considerable speed just th

sed a fu

nto view on one side of the plane, and i

, unless I'm away wrong in sizin' things up 'cordin' to Hoyle. Got to sw

s wise to a fact we'd hardly have picked up in any other way. I reckon now this same radio beacon's bound to turn out a great

ighted Perk. "There she goes-the glim I mean-closed shop, havin' 'complished

to guess what the next big idea connected with aviation will prove to be; doesn't s

the drop comes open goes the monster umbrella, able to hold you and the crate suspended in the air, to gradually fall to the earth like the colored balls from a bursted skyrocket. Great s

even though they concluded to just "loaf along." Disliking anything pertaining to fog Perk naturally said nothing to hint at a desire for further speed; besides

ed flight. Perk had long since subsided and seemed content to sit there in the double c

long to a final crash; and here, strange to say, after all that time intervening he had again passed through a similar experience. Now that he had an opportunity to calmly

. and al

heavy rains united with the melting snows up in the mountains of the Far West, create vast floods that placed much of the low country along the river under many feet of w

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