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The Sky Detectives; Or, How Jack Ralston Got His Man


Word Count: 1945    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ough he might be possessed of ordinary curiosity concerning so amazing a visit; since never before had he

Christmas present, dropped in by old Santa Claus a bit before the reg'lar holiday se

sed a long time. It must have slipped out of his pocket wh

me in place of his card," the other continued,

intended doing, for reasons of his own; something

the much worn pocketbook, which Jack was holding in his hand and apparently interested in counting, for there were a number of bank notes for

that knock you cold though? Huh? that same caller must've been looking for me, and just missed connections by strik

, and holding them up to the light from the western sun tha

t of Fortune's smiles, as he noticed these s

I'm going to give you a bit of ad

hen it seems sound!" snapped the mail carri

ry to pass any one of these five-dollar bills until you've asked

lor bills, counterfeits in fact. Wouldn't that be a rotten deal to h

r of bad money. That's a clever job all right; but I'm afraid it won't stand the wash worth a cent. Go slow, and don't count your chickens before they're hatched. Also I'd advise you not to go around telling about your windfall until you

n his friendly fashion had doubtless cast quite a damper on certain bright dreams in which he had been indulging. Howeve

ill be on my old job here, unless they decide to transfer me somewhere else. And say, Jack, I'm meaning to take you

they looked at each other in silence for almost a full minute

ch luck knock at your door, and then give yo

his queer windfall; it's our own great good luck that's making me

an by saying that?" a

ed on a nice little plum in the shape of a clue-flung

e plates we've been hearing so much about lately that I've been drea

ght bower who showed signs of extreme excitement and satisfaction, for he thrust out his hand, that had so often b

vow all the Lower Regions with its devils can't prevail against us. But see here, old hoss, there's more than chance in this break o' the part

s quaint way of expressing himsel

suspect turns out to be true, it stands to reason

unch, is that what you mean, Jack?" demanded the other flyer quickly; for

that's been fooling a whole lot of bank tellers, it's so near the genuine article. To smash the comb

nd here, when we're starting out to pull off our fresh stunt, I'm wishing all the luck

we've taken aboard, so's to let us have room for our feet when we take off. From the look

have his hangout over the line in Old Mexico, where he prints his bad bills, and then comes across the line with a big bunch in his ship, so's to scatter the stuff around to his agents in Texas and Arizona, o

s, as he had mentioned, an old habit, contracted in the early days of his career as an a

y entered the hangar to make these last preparations for their southern flight. As usual he was unable to keep his speculations

still lifting packages of various supplies, and stowing them away in a shipshape fashion; so they would not be likely

sy over my own affairs to bother with anything tha

ed to be the crew, one of 'em lookin' like he might be a pilot; and the other a chap that was out to have a jolly good time sportin' for sport.

e way in which the other made this stab at wha

of your own, and could spend all your spare time jumping about the country, enjoying yourself with rod and gun. Cheer up, o

knocked over, and not caring a darn whether school keeps or not. Oh! well, if I live long enough mebbe I may have a whiff of that kind of life before I kick off for keeps; they say

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