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The Sky Detectives; Or, How Jack Ralston Got His Man


Word Count: 2072    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ll that had happened to them since their arrival in Atlanta to secure the ship awaiting

ter night chase, the desperate tactics undertaken by the pair of human wolves aboard the Ryan monoplane; and particularly when Jack finally described in vivid language the astounding

pants; looking at them, with Jack so calm and modest, giving all the credit to his grinning accomplice, he must have decided in his astute mind that at last S

e bills your friend Scotty found in that pocketbook dropped among his clothing by the unk

his request the other nod

ld mine for the gang) are counterfeits engraved by some master in the art or stolen property, which have somehow never been missed by the plant where much of the printing is done for the Treasury Department-the bills are so perfect that cashiers and tellers are all at se

h, sir," remarked Perk, sagaciou

s I mean to keep you posted with regard to any fresh news that comes in to Headquarters for there is hardly a day when we do not learn of additional discoveries connected with this deluge o

. Before we jump off you will know what we've decided to do, so as to pick up a warm trail; and after that, sir, don't be worried if

sure you'll not delude yourselves that his arrest will be an easy task; for as good men

nd my assistant here along the line of aviation cut a big figure in the appointment, since it has been learned that Slim himself makes use of a flying boat possibly to cross over from the wilds of Mexico, it being suspecte

n later on place a posse of oldtime Texas Rangers at your service, if the occasion arises for a necessity to show force-they are now working for the Government as border patrols, and as you can understand, are the same rough-riding, fearless type that played such a leading figure in the early history of the Lone S

ought to get in an occasional word; although there were a good many things he did not who

rees they would figure things out, and sketch their plan of operation; then would come the hour when once more they must depend on their wings to carry them many hundr

ad to make the necessary explanations; for it was necessary th

hat when every item had been arranged in its rightful sequence they could fashion a plan of campaign that would at least have a better chance for winn

k, some time later, as they continued to take things easy, resting up after a hard night's

ile. Then there were a few leaders he dropped that, if followed up, might turn out to be leading clues, the possession of which would possibly turn the tide of battle.

h the turtle won 'cause he never even stopped to rest up; while the rabbit, thinkin' he could run loops around such a plodder, lay

running away ahead of the dry facts, and counting his chickens before they were hatched out of the shell. But Perk was confident the sly fox of a Slim would

en Perk, who had been pondering and grumbling to himself, tossed

igh ceilin' with their chutes, got outen the scrape, so they could a hiked to some nearby village or

hat way, Perk," Jack told him, w

st the slick pair any old minute-meet 'em right face to face!" P

what about that, partner?" asked Jack, laughingly; at which the other

had them helmets and goggles in place right away, like they didn't mean t

ay have been in Atlanta-Mr. Adkins assured us Slim seemed to have all sorts of strings out, so as to learn in advance of any bunch of Government agents taking the field against his

ng savagely. "Here we got to do our work in the dark; while that smart cuss holds

trace of us, and we can play our cards as we choose, making up for a different breed of sky travelers, so as to dope the cleverest kind of spies he can send out. While they're left guessing what's become of us we'll b

meant to pick up a few winks of sleep, there came a look of rapt admiration

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