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The Last Straw


Word Count: 2077    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

Nigger horse in from the westward hills and had not come through the big gate so

ek who was stopping for the night and the gr

's your brother

as unshaven. A celluloid collar, buttoned behind, made an overly large cylinder for his wrinkled neck. He wore a frock coat, also green with age, the pockets of which bulged an

wed, setting his Adam's apple in sharp vibration. He took off his hat. He flushed and his mild eyes w

meet you, M

ht; they ceased, however, when the Reverend Beal, in a voice that

ables me to look once more into your beloved face after these years of separation. Giv

p earnestly into his face, while

of Providence!" he boome

till clinging to Two-Bit

, oh Lord, that these mundane moments are but brief forerunners of greater joys that are to come, that they are but passing pleasures; but joy here below is a rare

d honest tears showed

r, "you, too, will be interested in this article wh

e pen aloft in gesture, drew a pad of paper f

ellac, this pen will withstand the acid action of the strongest inks. It is self-filling, durable

esigned by that peerless inventor, Thomas Edison. Its every feature, from the safety shan

does not fail to flow. It does not scratch or p

s the paper in great flourishes, sketch

ention? How can any mature man or woman

rge you-Two-fifty? No! Two dollars? No! One fifty? NO! For the sum of one dollar, American money, E Pluribus U

hese celebrated key rings and chains, made of a new conglomerate called white metal, guaranteed not to rust, tarnish or

d by every gentleman and lady. A hand mirror, a magnifying hand mirror. Carry it in y

n, this pocket mirror, a collection which regularly would ret


d with a growing amazement, mouth op

said eagerly, digging in

ing a Beal is knowing a

upper; then slipped his stock back in the pockets of that clerical looking garment a

. No matter how great the excess of food in his mouth, he was still able to articulate, an

ster to look upon the bright, honest faces of stalwart men!" he cried, br

I can see integrity, devotion to duty, uprightness and honor in all your faces. Or, that is, in most of your faces. What contrast!"-heedless o

l, a young man sunk hopelessly in sin. He was a stranger in a strange land, but he had not yet felt the heavy hand of a slowl

asking if he did not desire to seek redemption in the stra

shouted at me, his face b

of: righteousness! That's

ishing bitterness in his heart, which is against the word of the Almighty. A definite wrong was in his mind, I was led t

y for that lost soul through the night. Somet

e," remarked one, at which everybody ex

tay long?"

dear brother is my most devout prayer and wish, but we have no promise of the morro

he sin beset young man as Hilton and at that he became less attentive to the garrulous talk of the itinerant preacher-peddler. In fact, he g

across from Tom's and h

hat others don't know won't hurt 'em, and so forth. But just before I was leaving to

HC on horses as well

's ri

orses gone west.' And the other one said, 'Yes, they was camped at the mouth of Twenty Mile this mor

old any hor

urned to reply his eyes met Beck's gaze, cold and har

. Tom, come here,"-with a jerk of his head. Beck walked over and sat dow

't surprise

d, bored into Hepburn

, b

hey heard it creak and a moment later he came across toward the bunk house at a high lope. They heard him speak gruffly to

cattleman of the old order, a man not given to haste or excitement. His appear

Hepburn, rising, said: "Here

er in Devil's Ho

t know there was

ngly and Beck scraped

ater yesterday. That shuts your outfit and mine out of the best range in the country if he fenc

at was one of the next things I was goi

d turned. Beck was waiti

lowly, "what are

y and any who watched c

n, strapped it on, dug in his blankets for a

at ain't too late to be remedied. No, I'll go alone

fying him now to impute his motives and strode

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