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The Last Straw


Word Count: 3168    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

fence and walked down along the cottonwoods toward the house. He stood outside a time, looking through the

the veranda and rapped;

she ex

aid, with forced at

ome at this time of day?"-ri

e because I couldn't stay

a bit to one side, and genuin

I wish you'd stop thinking and talking and looking like that. I do

me! And did you eat?

nything," he pr

you m

nd hat, placed cigarettes for him and went to the kitchen to help Carlotta prepare a quick meal. She served it herself, go

ighted a cigarette he leaned back in his chair and smiled easily at her. It was a good smile, open and frank and gentle, but when it died tha

re for anything else,

Why can't you l

ed the q

y, J

l on Forty-S

think it's

hile every day. So much worth while that I'm made over f

s I am now able to support my husband

with a lift of her sh

ong with th

hings I don't quite understand yet," examining a finger nail closely. "I haven't mad

ho was with y

er man. He.... He seems

w women he knew who had been able to judge men; h

losely to Jane's face, their hard, bright light accent

ou'll have to stay here. Mr. Hepburn c

the belief that a wetting, since it was not cold, would do no harm. She knew

looked down at the trinket with which she had been

expression which h

rnament; as a talisman, rather. I'm getting to be quite dependent on it." Her manner

he said bitterly. Then, after a moment: "The

unreasonable," she replied. "

reaking in on her and sitting forward

y mind. There's a job before me that gets bigge


do to make you unders

he table intently.

rst that two an


can't b

ime you've ever b

ssed the certainty, perhaps. Th

possible thing as that

n which you have

me! Are you w

k I think I have been

e as her secure conviction maddened him. "The life that is yours by nature and training.

e had repressed until that moment swept through him wit

istaken, Dick. I have

ople!" h


true, and, if so, I have never been of the east. I never felt comfortable there, wi

ne, for me; it never can pass for you. I have found my people; they are my people, their Gods are my Gods. I have a strength,

t she went on as tho

lf between us, Dick, that will never be bridged. I am sorry, in a way.

one thing in common: the lack of worthy ideals. I have wiped out that lack and I wish you might; I truly wish that, Dick! And it seems possible

suppose I am the only thing you have ever wanted that you couldn

o you

have learned about ... men, for one thing. I have found an honest

aned his fists

you've fou

his eyes

to ask that question. In the s

drew down

the English language and smells of horse. You'd let a thing like that overwhe

gentle and honorable. Now if you don't want that, if you

bout the table. A big blue vein which ran down

one word was disappointment,

think you were fine and finished. But if you're a woman in the raw ... then I'll t

inuations that the lover you want is not the one who will dally with you. You want the pr

advancing with a menacing assurance, his

eside myself. You haven't been out of my thoughts an hour since then! I tried to kill it with reason and then w


er assurance through the fright which he had given her.


her wrist

ur lips, your hair, your very breath drives me mad and when I hear you tell me that you've found the flesh that calls

od, I lo

he lust cry of the destroyer, he who would possess hungrily, unthin

out her body crushed it against his, her breast to his breast, her limbs to his limbs. He lowered his lips toward her face and she bent backward, crying out lowly, bu

she panted and manag

ice but, releasing her hands, crushed her to him with both arms and she could fee

ought her way through his clutch, running down the room to the fireplace where she stoo

aid, slowly, unsteadily as

ery one of us who sees and feels and I've seen

e would have said that Dick Hilton, sober, would have displayed this, this thing

g, her voice shook

, impressive, and Hilton hesitated, putting one hand to a chair back and eyeing her calcu

at was-because if it had not been for that other self which tolerated you, which gave you the opening, this ... this insult would never have been. You, who failing to buy a woman's l

ssed t

se other beasts, these others who are blinding

ore to be said ... ever. We understand one another

d t


y and ran a hand o

go with me," h

instead of obeying he moved toward her again

avenport and she, in turn,

I go,

ou heard what was

med against the black night, arms limp and rather awkwardly hanging at his sides, eyes dangerously luminous;

hoarse gasp. The two men eyed each other and Jane, supporting her sudd

e you doing here?"

iting to open the gate f

ed his shoulders b

ose to ride out? Wh

Jane slowly and

k about things that won't

are you to b

, sir. I'm just

the role of

ever comes up that

is arms into the sleeves viciously and stood buttoning the garment. Beck looked away into the night as though nothing

to the point," Hilton said. He spoke sharply, bellig

ping into a chair and cover

d closed she heard Tom walk slowly up the path toward the bunk house. He had left her without comment, without any attempt at an

ough it were a strange place. There, within those walls, she had experienced the rebirth, she had felt ambition t

ck had been cast away. Tonight's renunciation had burned the last bridge to that which h

ensity of a man's jealousy, particularly when Fate has tricked him of his most valued prize. Nor could she foresee those

e failure he was. Just one fact of him remained. Again she heard his ominous prediction, pronou

sastrous. Could she meet this new life and beat it and make in it a place for herself? Was

d not

bowed their water weighted branches. She went to the window and looked out, searc

and she lifted it quickly, holding i

locked up in a

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