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The Last Straw


Word Count: 3047    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

have known that his horse was not taking the homeward way, and had the horse not been bred and ra

y tried out this rider and instead of swinging to the right he bore to the left. He went tentatively through the pitch darkness, one ear cocked backward at first but when Hilton, collar up, hat down, bowed before the storm, gave no evidence o

s they provoked were distressing. Being alone, made physically uncomfortable by the water seeping through his shoulders and breeches

r matter, and he cursed himself for a fool, at first mentally, then under his breath and when the horse began mounting a steep incline, cl

twice you've made an a

ably close to his right, so close that at times his knee scrubbed it smartly. He became alarmed for the horse went cautiously, head low, feeling his way over insecure footing. Once his fore feet slipped and he stopped short while loosened stones rolled before them on the trail a

horse went on, pick

a weird thing for lack of perceptive, but it cheered him. He was decidedly uncomfortable and

brush slapping at his legs as the horse, i

ved itself into cracks of light showing between logs

nd he rode blinking into the light, which he could see came

sked sharply, and Di

hat won't do you much good. I'm a st

ly as he dismounted a

icker," she s

A cartridge belt, swinging from a nail. A

ss atop a shapely, high-held head and falling down her straight trim back in one thick plait; brown eyes, ripe red lips, a delicate chin and a throat of exquisite

y. "You're the girl that demanded respect

oment, evidently unaware of

ll defiant, as though he had challenged her. She searched his face, his

," he said with a short laug

vements, the free rhythmic swing of her walk, the easy grace with which her hands a

he hearth. "You're soaked. Lucky you s

of the cabin. In two corners were beds on the earthen floor, a table made from a packin

n the wind kissed skin. Her shirt was open at the neck and he could see the easy rise and fall of her breast as she breathed. He noticed that he

the girl

" she said bruskly, and rat

I should not the first time I saw you. I shall never forget

her belligerence and though her only reply was a

ng at you," he went on. "A man shouldn'

's t

t the fire

of that," she said as she

ed her with his eyes, whi

horse," she said. "He'll rol

ed about th


r. Her hand, perhaps unconsciously, was

I am?"-

hall not unsaddle my ho

ctant but at his answer she relaxed and the fiercen

that was quite different, as though she had

a lengthy interva

you very much. Do y

eyeing him questioningly, and he

understand th

man would refuse to respect you. It's wise, perhaps, for you to take down that rifle when strangers com

t you'd ride o


n't afraid of th

ghed o

happiness. Don't you see?" He leaned forward, elbows on knees, looking up into her serious face. "Don't

of their

f that man to insult you in to

nd you're cold. I a

gh his body as he looked earnestly into the face of that daughter of the mountains. The ready defiance

y man that walks. If I stayed here with you, you would know i

her hands and smiled for the first time. It was a beautifu

aid simply, and Hil

s ride hasn't gone to wast

t first, but with a different interest. Her smile faded but the l

ever since I can remember, first one place, then another. I've always had to lo

e any man's talked lik

"that's been tough luck. A girl

t what you deserve that c

s your

... Bob

ld are

ook he

wenty. Alf knows; I ain't thoug

's A


d your

all. She died early; that wa

hers or

e of t

ou've been alone

an' months, without t

as that? Always in such remote plac

ry day.... But there's a difference be

zzled and

him. "Maybe it's funny ... b

riends! A girl like you c

in my life ... but Alf,

ecause you didn't want to

n' things like that? Oh, I wanted to all right, but folks don't make friends with ... with

lly. It was a queer blending o

eace?" he asked deliberately to

ks to have 'em. In this country when poor fo

at alw

e outfits have drove us out time after time. They're always sa

ad so much bad luck that it's took th' heart out of him.... If

ink a lot of

infer that measuring such de

e. We've been on the move ever since I can recollect, stayin' a few months or a year or two, then hittin' the trail again. Move, move

hat is a very fine

ural to me. I never thought

appen to come

a flicker as of susp

eplied, rather eva

clothing and a cunning crept into his expression. The rain pattered on the roof and dripped throu

hroat and caressed his thumb with finger tips as d

illed with contrasts as the heavens themselves. Shortly before she had been defiant, ready for trouble, prepared to de

yly after a time. "Alf'll be back som

ok his

hat I think about it, maybe you wouldn't like me

se, s



re soaked

do less for a

again they read her simple pleasure. He had touched her gr

k you to show

ust start back that trail and yo

ve never turned anybody

in, please. When you ask a man it makes it ve

ike the road

e HC ranch to town. Y

age swept t

itterly. "I was sent aw

ay? In t


d they

ged his

ot value as highly as you do. Generosity, though

s almost greedily

she k

o you


answered grimly, a

and and she took

ack and thank you for w

u'll co

u want


sible for me to s

the curtain drop and returned to the fire, standing there a moment. Then s

!" she said, ra

kering softly and would not go on when his rider spurred him. After a moment Hilton sat still and listened. He heard

re the doorway

" Then, in surprise,

swer and Hilto


ismounted a

He ate breakfast and crawled into his bed, angered one moment, puzzled the next and, finally, t

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