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The Boy Aviators in Africa; Or, an Aerial Ivory Trail


Word Count: 1825    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

enough-and after it had been treated with antiseptics from the medicine chest

we may expect," remarked Harry, examining the ho

pe as I care to experience," ag

w as how I think that kind of excitement is a

ar African air at fifty miles an hour, rapidly drew

deep gloomy abysses and almost bare of vegetation, except a few scanty groves of palms and the hardier tr

in mass through the glasses, "I should say that if those Wing

to get out-a nastier looking lot of m

tself on his mind nevertheless. Eagerly he scanned the range for the first sign of "The Upturned Face." Harry a

iew with a suddenness that

r which Frank had the Golden Eagle II now directly heade

nacing look, the stone face possessed this

face the sooner we find it the better," exclaimed Ben. "I'd h

eak of nature which has so disposed the mountain mass at this point a

urn it down instead of up before some

it a small grove of bananas and palms had taken root, and their smiling greenery offered a refreshing contrast to the dark oppressive gloom of the giant rock masses piled all about. From the center of t

fortable tent by means of running up the canvas curtains on the aluminum frames provided for that purpose. Thus equipped, the chassis served the uses of an improv

frowning walls of rugged black rock which seemed to have been torn and ripped in some remote period by a terrific convulsion of nature. In plac

adder," he announced sudd

r?" inquired Ha

k la

te the cache is to strike a direct line down from the nose of the upturned face. That

"Who would ever guess, unless they had the key to the my

ts they wore had been fitted with "hob-nails" so that they were ideal for the tough climb that they had ahead of them. Each member of th

ent out a wireless to the members of the camp on the river bank and felt much reassured when Lathrop's "All well-good luck," came back through the air. It

ther for

ed out into the night through the canvas curtains. An unaccountable feeling of unrest possessed

e would come accompanied by a well-armed band Frank could not doubt. He and Harry and Ben could only put up a feeble resistance against such an attack. There was only one chance to secure the ivory and that was to get at it before

ns written in the queer han

e straight down to t

p at sea. But Frank had been too long trained in the hard school of adventure to underestimate the difficu

ep. He was just dozing off when a sufficiently startling interruption

his bed with a bound and caused him to clutch his revolver

y rushed to the door of the

ns and threw up their projections into a blue glare. It was almost as light as day under that

n sight. All about him stretched the barren

und that h

e the low humming of a human voice for him to

ion the strange sound that had so alarmed him


re the sound would have been alarming enough, but coming as it did in the midst of these unknown, mysterious Mountains of the Moon it struck a chill t

what quarter of the compass he could not judge-was so uncanny that he was really disturbed. He bounded into the chassi


and I'll put so much lead in your system you'll be worth a nickel a pound. Co

rade was the dismal echo of hi

hen the hills bandied the cry about from ri


loud around here. There seem to be a lot of fol

hed the echo

"I'm going to send a bullet up there the

cry rang out once more the

no locatin

. To come from every quar

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