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The Outdoor Chums; Or, The First Tour of the Rod, Gun and Camera Club


Word Count: 2148    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

d for Kamp

nd there was a scurrying among the other three boys, who had gathered

ut the tripod, a folding affair of the latest patent, was tied to his wheel; Jerry and Frank had their guns securely cased, and so arranged that they would

same with a sneer, and w

is in your hands. 'Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof!' and I'm ready to compare notes at the end of our little expe

eps, and any true sportsman-" began Jerry,

is machine; "stow all that hot air until the first chilly

l, w

rted along?" asked

nd unless old Uncle Toby has an accident on the road, he guarantee

the team comes from your place, too. That's mighty nice of your father,

we expect to get our supply of fresh eggs, and then do a part of the cooking for us, as well as cho

occasion to flunk when it came to drudgery, and wanted to b

dy Lasher and his pals might plan to intercept our supplies, and

t of that," remarked J

the porter and watchman at the bank, and known to be a fighter. When they see him sitting there beside Toby those fellows will have business somewhere else,

n't be better arranged. The supplies will be safe, then.

d Violet were standing, watching the starting of the wonderful expedition that was expe

d Will, raising one foo

then. Who goes f

gon, Jerry will act as guide, as he's been up there be

re goes,

vault into the saddle, started the engine, and with a loud popping th

very apt to have many things happen to his motor-cycle before the te

waved a 'kerchief from the doorway, and then hurried in to shed a few t

hes as they passed; for it was pretty well known what the Outdoor Club had in view, and the hunting toggery with which

the squad by the rampant popping of the motor-cycles; and after that the open country, where the northbound

overtaking him, so that they mig

e wagon ahe

in and be ready to defend the wagon if necessary. And look out for any sort of sharp-pointed nails on the road, apt to slash our tires," remarke

er boys arrive. They may hardly feel like

run a mile-I know I would if I thought the murderous thing was going to be turned on me," growled Jerry, who, as the reader must already have

place where the hostile group stood, with t

mule into their service, the said animal being fairly loaded down with an assortme

not dare lift a hostile hand; but they took especial pains to hoot at the little company as i

ig colored man who sat there with old Toby, and of whose a

hind, the boys considered it safe to part c

so, come along," and Frank, as he spoke, let out another kink, the popping grew more furious, and away he shot up the road in a

kes the bit in its teeth," and it seemed as though they had hardly more than got well start

so even; but, nevertheless, they made fair time, and finally swung

k stood in the doorway of the long log cabin where the gang put up throughout the winter, while conducting their

questions of the cook, who was a man he happened to know in

te of elegant motor-cycles come dashi

wing after with all the stuff. Where do you suppose we could run across old

Bluff Masters sported so airily; doubtless he immediately concluded that the whole party must

the annermiles they jest seem ter hanker arter Jesse's traps. Folks do say he hes a kinder scent he uses ter jest coax 'em like," replied the co

back here to convoy old Toby in with the chuck wagon, and get Erastus over the farmers' station, where he can catch a late

t the flying coin, an

jest whar ye say, about a hull hour ago. Boys from Centerville, too, but a tough-lookin' bunch. They tried to


t the others i

e last night, meaning to have them squat by the spring first, and keep us off. And I did want to

" asked Frank, always qui

y's agoin' ter git up to thet spring in a hurry," replied the cook, still sq

e before they do. Suppos

oard, and was quickly dashing away at rather a reckless

of the four exhausts quite excited the lumber-camp cook, who stood the

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