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The Outdoor Chums; Or, The First Tour of the Rod, Gun and Camera Club

The Outdoor Chums; Or, The First Tour of the Rod, Gun and Camera Club



Word Count: 2112    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

he academy so that it has been condemned as unsafe. And the He

be sent home again until repairs can be made. And I was just thinking that wh

eeling glad to be back at my desk again, aft

for next summer, back of the lumber camps at the head of the lake. Talk to me about opportunities, what's to hinder us going into the woods right

of two other boys, swinging alongside just then, as though

a on me, and I'm so dazed I hardly know what to say. Are you ready for the question? All in favor

sity of the proposition; then they pulled off their hats, and giving a


with a broad smile o

motion is carried!" he

nd glorious idea. We'll meet with some opposition at home, I expect; but where there's

th boy, he who had been called by the queer name of "Bluff" by one of his comrades; possibly because, being the only son of

y at this remark, and threw up his hands

nter breaks loose with that terrible pump-gun. Mighty little chance for anything to

he first clip; but what's a fellow going to do when he finds it difficult to hit a barn? I'd like to wager that with al

e you to quit fishing with that murderous gang-hook last summer; and when you did finally get a bass didn't you feel prouder than if you just 'yanked' him in

gun, and other things such as modern campers use. I've kept posted, and I know what's going on. Some peopl

at old chestnut of a dispute until we're snug in camp; and let's talk ab

if everything's lovely and the goose hangs high we'll meet at my house and make definite arrangements," s

in the morning we'd be able to get in camp by the middle of the afternoon, and have things fixed fairly

, and up there in the woods where we were just planning to go next summer. I wonder if old Jesse Wilcox has begun to set his traps yet; that's his stamping-ground, you know, during the winter, and he ma

t all further talking had better be put off until we find out whether we can go or not. So I move

and indeed Bluff was perched upon an empty box, that lay at the foot of a small py

n a touseled head, surmounted by a cap he knew full well, push up a little above the rim of the most elevated empty box, as

nor did he, as a rule, stop to figure what t

g a splendid chance to bring the plans of the listener to a sudden and disastrous end, he manage

quence was the entire pile came tumbling down, much afte

ion of safety, to turn and stare in astonishme

sundry places about his legs and sides, where the sharp co

in the world did you come from-hiding in that drygoods box, eh? Up to some of your old tr

e continued to limp around and rub his legs vi

ends more or less trouble; Jerry and he had always been at loggerheads, and could look back to half

friends thought he paid dearly for his victory; but Jerry seemed never to know whe

e him of his bullying ways," he was wont to say cheerfully, as he festooned

ng that pile of boxes down, with me inside. You ought to be made to pay fur it, that's what," grumbled the fellow, scowling vindictively, and yet not daring to assume the offensive while the four chums were present;

in pretended ignorance, though his eyes twinkled with humor as

hole team, do you? Well, perhaps you won't shout just so loud when you know me and some of my mates are going up in that region ourselves, to-morrow, to see old Bud Rabig

ld water over them; this vague threat of Andy Lasher's was not to be lightly dismissed as mere bluff, for whatever

ever, laug

and advise all others to do the same, if they know what's good for them. We're not out looking for trouble, but, if it comes along,

k his short upper lip after a way he had, and which made his face

metimes. And just make up your minds that we ain't agoing to be scared by big words. The fellows that train with me have been up against har

rietor of the store, who now came bustling out to learn what all the racket m

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