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The Outdoor Chums; Or, The First Tour of the Rod, Gun and Camera Club


Word Count: 2065    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ad?" called Bluff, who was pounding along c

n!" answered the other, over his shoulder; but he dared not take his eyes off the uneven "tote" road which the

machine close behind the leader; for somehow in this race for the camp

something moving ahead-so

ired considerable agility on the part o

and discovered three bo

!" cried Jerry,

is the spring

f a mile,

game is ours, ba

round every dozen seconds, as if worri

atching up some sort of mischief!

dence that they had tired themselves out by their night tramp, and were in no

rio suddenly jumped aside, and stooped ove

uted Bluff, who had

me branch of a fallen tree, and his purpose was manifest when he stepped out a

for the unprincipled schemer, who would have taken the chances of s

t know but that Frank meant to chase him until he got him; so that he dropped the branch befor

e and skim past the dangerous obstruction

heels of the two leaders that the bewildered roughs could not

or the sight of the weapons they carried, and, above all, the martial appea

ore had these solemn woods witnessed anything like such a progressive picture of modern magic as these four lads boomi

raveling brought them to a point where

der-well, the wonderful spring bubbles up close b

their wheels while still in motion, afte

ding low over the spring, testing the

that arose, for their ride had made them

ct of the experienced Frank, as he allowed his e

med with

s far as I know them," declared Jerry, whose knowledge was founded pretty much on theory bas

he water is just far enough away to keep the spring from being polluted by any refuse from the fire. Yes, and the trees around here h

on; but if his manner was crude, he generally hit the nail on

gan to take his gun out of its case

ghter that you can't wait a decent length of time, and give the poor birds and beasts a chance to k

d up with an in

ate characters rushing our camp, and I wanted to let the

and I bet they light out faster than they co

asked Will, knowing what the dispute woul

n to the right, cross behind that thicket, and bring up here; certainly the

t think those three fellows will dare attack us, especially when they see Erastus. They know him all right, from sad experience. You see 'Rastus used to be somethin

when, and I'll

an be using that nice ax Will has strapped to his machine, and doing a number of things. Firewood is a mi

or we all want to learn the ropes as soon as we can. What are you going to do?" he asked, as Frank uns

now, while we're waiting for the wagon. Then I expect to lay out several poles on which to stretch the tents-one tall one for the center, and

, so as to catch the true spirit of the thing from practical observation, w

er to have only two in each, and that's why I brought both along. Then, when the fly in front is raised it makes a splendid place fo

like beavers

another was eager to take up the job, and it

e later, he came over to take a look at it, having comple

ile of the stuff. Perhaps some time I'll tell you about that experience; for I'll never forget it, never. But, Jerry, suppose we get ready to run back to the lumber shack, and wait there

ed, after doing his little stunt with the ax; "count me in, please, and especial

s weakness regarding Frank's pretty si

ngs and drumsticks, connected at one time with a number of spring chickens, came into view, besides some pickles, an

ite was taken, and then little was said for some time, on account

hand and secure one of the aforesaid cookies, which he munched with closed

oad, Jerry!" exclaim

with you," came the r

y the three advance scouts of the Lasher brigade," remarked Frank, as he

otgun to a position where it could lie across his knees as he sat there on his mossy hassock; "I be

xt; come along, Jerry," cr

exhausts told that the convoy for the "chu

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