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The Radio Boys on the Mexican Border


Word Count: 1147    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

stance from the Hampton place, was reached, "come into th

mple sat back in a swinging chair by his broad, flat-topped desk. Selecting a cigar from the humid

this period of silence, "I've decided that

?" demanded B

Temple. "We recovered what was stolen, anyhow. But more than that, I begin to suspect there is somethi

Uncle George?" as

irst place I know the men at the head of the so-called Octopus. They are keen business men and

point to something else, too. If you will recall, Jack said the fellows who raided the Hamptons today, or rather tried to do

Morales," said

lieve that certain Mexicans are responsible for o

world?" said

le George?" d

een the United States and Mexi

the independents in the Southwest these Mexicans would get us so stirred up that Uncle S

I mean, Bob," said Mr

ded Frank, "why wouldn't the Mexicans b

Octopus is trying to gobble us up, but it hasn't succeeded, and won't if we can prevent. But, just the same, it isn't there for the Mexicans to atta

ng. "But what makes you think the Mexica

nly a faction. You see, boys, General Obregon has been President of Mexico now for several years, but the country is far from pacified and far from submi

ike to get him into trouble with the United States in

tir up trouble on the border and get Obregon into hot water with Uncle Sam in just the same way that Pancho

Bob," said

time, if there's a war, I'm

" declared Frank. "Bob an

io Grande," cried Bob, swinging his arm

nt smile. "I should imagine you would have read enough of the horrors of war during t

ive Frank, shuddering as he recalled some of

'll have something more important to do than to fight batt

horused t

said Mr. Temple slowly, "

cried Frank, springing

e that by day after tomorrow I can have my affairs in order so that I can leave them

d." And he thumped his father on the shoulder, a resounding blow

rank opened the door to find a maid standing in

hots. Seemed like they came from the radiophone st

ank. The maid blushed. Frank re-entered the room, and ex

called them back. "This time," he said grimly, "I'm not going to have you taking any chances on being killed. You will wait for me, and please remember it." Opening

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