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The Radio Boys on the Mexican Border


Word Count: 1065    |    Released on: 01/12/2017


on of a rev


l of

left hand and danced up and down in the

he leveled weapon of the traitorous Mexican chauf

ton stood upright in the front seat

ly shot his revolver from his hand. Jum

andits approached, not the length of tw

the situatio

he ordered Remedios. "J

ped to the driver's seat of the flivver and manipulated throttle a

ts, their car slowing

he windshield, his wea

ked. "Up with you, or I'll

imself sprawling

five lengths away. Frank released the hand brake, pres

ahead, its wheels spurning the ground. The lights of the other car which had theretofore seemed dimmed we

ed. A shot rang out from the car of the

Swing her over," c

se from the car of


n. As rapidly as possible Frank brought it to a sto

quarter, low down and shed only a faint radiance. But even by the wan light, it could be seen that something dire had happened to the car of the bandi

en by the boys in the excitemen

n' butter. They're tumblin' around in the road, a half dozen of 'em. Hey, look out." And Gabby Pete bent low on his h

ce on the flank, so that the horse leaped forward with a s

and pressing down the clutch, as more bullets whistled ov

thered momentum, and was soon out of range. Presently Frank, who had been driving the flivver as fast as it would go, with the re

e called. "They n

ch," answere

cried Bob and

ealizing Remedios no longer sprawled o


f when we struck the o

when his chance came,

to camp, Jack made answer that the road lay straight ahead with no lat

laugh, "that was some reception c

o do, anyway? Put on a Wild West thriller fo

he said. "It looked to me as if the effete E

ranch house loomed ahead, low-lying, of four or five rooms, a wide, dirt-floored porch along its length, upon which the rooms gave through separate doors. At the rear were a clump of sha

adiophone stat

pened the door of the kitchen and emerged, big spoon in hand, the lamplight stre

it," he call

e mean Jack?

inner," said Frank

oks announce food is ready in the cow camps, as

aid Frank, and all follo

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