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The Radio Boys on the Mexican Border


Word Count: 1348    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

across an intervening stretch of lawn for the radiophone station, concealed from sight by a clump of trees. Mindful of Mr. Te

m unharmed, revolver in hand. At the noise of their approach, he swung about abruptly, bringing up his rev

were comin'

n-mechanic in charge of the Hampton radiophone station with whom they ha

," Tom explained, "I stopped at your back door a minute to chin Mary an'

an' I'll be better fixed for trouble the next time.' So I took 'er out of my locker in the shop here an' swabbed he

hat hadn't no business here was nosin' around an' I says to myself:

lin' on the floor. The other fellow is right behin' him but he sees me an' lets out a

ot through the doorway. Maybe two shots. Say, you'd oughta seen that bird fly then. As for the

Anyhow, they disappeared over south there toward that old wood road tha

ey must have been the s

e didn't have no coat. That was the guy Bob pe

hat puzzled Bob and Frank was the reason for the return of the thieves to the scene from which

on and lay for me in the hope of getting back that coat

with the railroad ticket to Ransome,

Mr. Temple. "These certainly are no

ower house and was potte

oil their country and ours by making trouble for the independent operators in the Southwest represented by Mr. Hampton. In that case, why should t

e I am right. However, let's go into the station now and call up the Hamptons out in New Mexico.

on the motor in order that they might have power to telephone, all three e

ody at their station,

this business has me worried. Let's

o Tom, who lived in a room at the rear of the station, started for the house. If New Mexico were

ed home, and all three went to

to work preparing the airplane, and I'll lend a hand." Mr. Temple was chairman of the Board of Trustees of an old

ere told in detail to Mrs. Temple and Della, Bob's sister. Della, who was an athletic girl of 16, de

, "you'd just

mediately to lay plans for filling the house with guests during t

ried later, in the library, as they awaited Mr. Tem

Frank," said Bob. "Anyhow, I

y, "but she's a good kid and y

bout it. Here comes Dad now," he added, as a familiar footstep sounded in th

routes, selecting landing fields, etc. Now that Mr. Temple had decided to accompany them, they laid thei

nd Jack out in New Mexico all the way. That all-metal body of the plane makes a fine ground, better than hangin

k. Let's turn in. It's near midnight. I for one need a good night

t foresee what calamity

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