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Bobby Blake on a Plantation; Or, Lost in the Great Swamp

Chapter 10 HALF A GALE

Word Count: 1270    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

of the angry waves. The bow would rise up and up as it met a rushing hill of frothing green water, then, as the giant wave rushed astern, the bow would dip, and the whole vesse

ve, and the water would crash down on the forecastle with a tremen

d and desolate waste of tossing waters, and even the three carefree boys were sobered somewhat as they gazed through tightly bolted

o last long," remarked Bobby. "It came up in

e on the rolling deep' may be all right for some people

said Fred. "Whether we like it or not, we've got to admit tha

oing to have some," said Bobby. "What

ied the boy from the South. "I don't thin

had settled themselves comfortably in some one's lap. Most of the passengers were keeping to their staterooms, and taken altogether, the meal was not exactly a cheerful affair. All th

out, and as the boys were dressing a weak and watery

ill looked rather pale and unhappy. "If ever I get

ittle luck we ought to make it in another day or two. We'd hav

themselves near the door of the wireless room, and were soon chatting with the operator on duty, who seemed to be a genial sort of

ght keeps you fellows pretty bu

wireless operator, "although last night wasn't as bad as ma

y, "I should think it would be more likely that we wou

ugh," said Quinn. "I remember one night on the North Sea when it really did blow some. And

y bad, then?"

mped altogether. Tremendous seas were following us, and at last one monster came right aboard over the after rail. It slammed up against the wireless shack, and before we knew what had happened, we and the shack were carried bodily forward. We thought that our last minute had come, but, luckily for us, the wireless house was slammed up against the fo

s men?" queried Fred. "Did t

ust joined the ship a week or two before, broke his right arm. But he co

bby, "and I suppose you had plenty of

the water, some with life preservers, and others clinging to bits of floating wreckage. It was like going through a barrage to get near them. But we lowered our boats and finally got the last man safely aboard. Then we steamed away at a rate the old hooker had never hit up before, because we knew that when the fire reached the main hold there would be a blowup that would pretty well clean everything that hap

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