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Atlantis: The Antedeluvian World


Word Count: 1167    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

t all black, nor all woolly-haired; the Africans pass through all shades, from that of a light

many parts of the continent. Prichard divides the true ne

e, or a copper color approaching to black, while their hair, though often crisp and frizzled, is not

ing from almost white to dark brown or black, and their hair from straight to cri

e copper-colored or bla

., p.

States, these authors fu

ad over a vast area, but which formerly had its principal and perhaps aboriginal abode along the mountain slopes of Atlas.... The real name of the Berbers is Mazirgh, with the article prefixed or suffixed-T-amazirgh or Amazirgh-T-meaning free, dominant, or 'noble race.'... We have every reason to believe the Berbers existed in the remotest times, with all their essential moral and physical pecu

Barbary Moors,

Europeans, and their complexion, if darker, is only so in proportion


are beautiful. The women of Fez are fair as the Europeans, but hair and eyes always dark. The

erman travellers, depic

ows, a thin, rather long, but not too pointed nose, rather broad lips, meeting in an acute angle, bro

on st

are a remarkably white people, and mixed with the Bedouin Arabs. T

e, but inferior, according to Garth, in physical development. Golbery describes them as "robust and courageous, of a reddish-black color, with regular features, hair longer and less woolly than that of the common negroes, and high mental capacity." Dr. Barth found great local differences in their physical characteristics, as Bowen describes the Fool

uite straight; it is either dark-brown or black, with a fuller growth of beard than the negroes. The oval face gives them a Mediterranean type. Their noses are

ristians, nor Phoenicians, but some antique race. He regards the Berbers as the descendants of the primitive dolmen-builders. Certain Egyptian monuments tell of invasions of Lower Egypt one thousand five hundred years before our era by blond tribes from the West. The bones found in the cromlechs are those of a large and dolichocephalous race. General Faidherbe gives the average stature (including the women) at 1.65 or 1.74 metre, while the average stature of French carabineers is only 1.65 metre. He did not find a single brachycephalous skull. The profiles indicated great intelligence. The Egyptian documents already referred to call the invaders Tamahu, which must have come fro

lonists from Atlantis-colonists of three diff

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