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Atlantis: The Antedeluvian World


Word Count: 5098    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

Dr. Max Müller, says,

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l character of the floating and constantly varying speech of human beings. These three oases of language are known by the name of Turanian, Aryan, and Semitic. In these three centres, more particularly in the Aryan and Semitic, language ceased to be natural; its growth was arrested, and it became permanent, solid, petrified, or, if you like, historical speech. I

hich may more properly be called Hamitic, radiated from Noah; it is a question yet to be d

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Aryan and a primitive Semitic religion, but likewise a primitive Turanian religion, before each of these primeval races was broken up and became separated in language, worship and national sentiment, admits, I believe, of little doubt.... There was a period during which the ancestors of the Semitic family had not yet been divided, whether in language or in religion. That period transcends the recollection of every one of the Semitic races, in the same way as neither Hindoos, Greeks, nor Romans have any recollection of the time when they spoke a common language, and worshipped their Father in heaven by a name that was as yet neither Sanscrit, nor Greek, nor Latin. But I do not hesitate to call this Prehistoric Period historical in the best sense of the word. It was a real period, because, unless it was real, all the re

and the Aryan. They mark three events in the most ancient history of the world, events which have determined the whole fate o

to the fact that this original seat of the

the Biblical names Beth-el, the house of God; Ha-el, the strong one; El-ohim, the g

e connection between t

teans is shown in

ho was the offspring of Uranus-"she came out of the sea;" Uranus was t

of Jehovah, while among the Phoenicians Adonai was the supreme deit

was Neph or Num; the chief god of the Samoyedes is Num; and Max Müller established an identity between the Num

ze implements agreed exactly in style and workmanship with those which we think we

heir six faces marked with words instead of pips. He showed that these words were identical with the first six digits in the Altaic branch of the Turanian family of speech. Guided by this clew, it was easy to prove that the grammar and vocabulary of the 3000 Etruscan inscr

ns and the Turanians are represented in the Iranian traditions as "contests between hostile brothers ... the Ugro-Finnish ra

the building and metalworking races of men who have proved themselves capable of civilization; and we may, therefore, divide mankind into two great classes: tho

u Karib), is described by Hamza, Nuwayri, and others as a powerful ruler and conqueror, who carried his arms successfully far into Central Asia; he occupied Samarcand and invaded China. He erected an edifice at Samarcand, bearing

read a paper before t

in which

ated with the representations of Moses. He and his successor are said to have introduced into China 'picture-writing,' like that in use in Central America at the time

l American and the Chinese figures representing earth and heaven. Either one people learned from the other, or both acquired these forms from a common source. Many physico-geographical facts favor th

e Persian kings, and it became, in time, the symbol of Papal authority. The Atlanteans having domesticated cattle, and discovered their vast importance to humanity, associated the bull and cow with religious ideas, as revealed in the oldest hymns of the Aryans a

atever titl

Satan, Nick

two hundred years ago it was customary to sacrifice a bull on the 25th of August to the "God Mowrie" and "his devilans" on the island

ith something like a trident in his hand; while the next illustration is taken from Zarate's "Peru," and depicts "the god of a degrading worship." He is very much like the traditional conception of the European devil-horns, pointed ears, wings, and poker. Compare this last figure,

ámbéry, in his "Travels in Central Asia," describes very important ruins near the eastern shore of the Caspian Sea, at a place called G?müshtepe; and connected with these are the remains of a great wall whi

was an importation from a civilized land. "His successor, Shin-nung, during a reign of one hundred and forty years, introduced agriculture and medical science. The next emperor, Hwang-ti, is believed to have invented weapons, wagons, ships, clocks, and musical instruments, and to have introduced coins, weights, and measures." (Ibid.) As these various inventions in all other countries have been the result of slow development, running through many centuries, or are borrowed from some other more civilized people, it is certain that no emperor of China ever invented them all during a period of one hundred and sixty-four years. These, then, were also importations from the West. In

ed their origin with a people who were destroyed by water in a tremendous convulsion

liam Jo

undantly, then subsiding and separating the higher from the lower ages of mankind; that this division of time, from which their poetical histo

ir ancestors vividly recalls to us the convulsio

their motions; the earth fell to pieces, and the waters enclosed within its bosom burst forth with violence and overflowed it. Man having rebelled against He

hinese language is clearly related to the Chaldean, and that both the Chinese characters and the cuneiform alphabet are degenerate descendants of an original hieroglyphical alph

----+ | Book | King | Kin. | +------+-----+-----+ | Cloth | Sik | Sik. | +------+-----+-----+ | Right hand | Dzek | Zag. | +------+-----+-----+ | Hero | Tan | Dun.

the name of Nai Hoang-ti, or Nai Korti, the founder of Chinese civilization, may be a reminiscence of Nakhunta, the chief of the gods, as recorded in the Susian texts, and this, in turn, a recollection of the

the Indo-European; but it must prepare itself for a still wider generalization. There is abundant proof-proof with which pages might be filled-that there was a still older mother-tongue, from w

lsh bar, a summit, and par, a spear, and per, a spit; whence our word spear. In the Chaldee, Syriac, and Arabic zug means to join, to couple; from this the Greeks obtained zugos, the Romans jugum, and we the word yoke; while the Germans obtained jok or jog, the Dutch juk, the Swedes ok. The Sanscrit is juga. The Arabic sanna, to be old, reappears in the Latin senex, the Welsh hen, and our senile. The Hebrew banah, to build, is the Irish bun, foundation, and the Latin fundo, fundare, to found. The Arabic baraka, to bend the knee, to fall on the breast, is probably the Saxon brecau, the Danish br?kke, the Swedish br?cka, Welsh bregu, and our word to break. The Arabic baraka also signifies to rain violently; and from this we get the Saxon roegn, to rain, Dutch regen, to rain, Cimbric roekia, rain, Welsh rheg, rain. The Chaldee word braic, a branch, is the Irish braic or raigh, an arm, the Welsh braic, the Latin brachium, and the English brace, something which supports like an arm. The Chaldee frak, to rub, to tread out grain, is the same as the Latin frico, frio, and our word rake. The Arabic word to rub is

s that breaking up of the tongues of one people under the operation of vast spaces of time. Philology is yet in its infancy, and the time is not far distant when the identity

n connecting the Chinese and one of the races of Mexico. The resemblances are so great that Mr. Short ("North Americans of Antiquity," p. 494) says, "There is no doubt that strong

-+-----+----+------+ | Tien | Tsi | Tooth | Hu | He | Cold. | +-----+-----+------+-----+----+------+ | Ye | Yo | Shining | Ye | He | And. | +-----+-----+------+-----+----+------+ | Ky | Hy (ji) | Happiness. | Hoa | Hia | Word. | +-----+-----+------+-----+----+------+ | Ku | Du | Death | Nugo | Nga | I | +-----+-----+------+-----+----+------+ | Po | Yo | No | Ni | Nuy | Thou. | +-----+-----+------+-----+----+------+ | Na | Ta | Man | Hao | Nho | The good. |

grammatical structure of the Choctaw, Chickasaw, Muscogee, and Seminole languages with t

ese themselves only reached the Pacific coast within the Historical Period, and that they came to it from the direction of the Mediterranean and Atlantis, and when we find so many and such distinct recollections of the

hese facts of the order in whic

erations of the sons o

them were sons bor

e sons represent three great races

s and Phoenicians united by the ties of a common language, common traditions, and common race characteristics. The Jews are the great merchan

son of Ham;" and the tenth chapter of Genesis classes them among the descendants of Ham, calling them Seba, Havilah, Raamah, etc. If the two gr

ars, the Mongols, the Chinese, and Japanese; secondly, a Hamitic family, "the sunburnt" race-a red race-including the Cushites, Phoenicians, Egyptians, Hebrews, Berber

t included, according to Genesis, among the descendants of Noah-we have the four races, the whit

wn in the blending of Hamitic and Semitic in some of the most ancient inscriptions; in the facility of intercourse between the Semites of Asia and the Hamites of Egypt; in the peaceful and unobserved absorption of all the Asiatic Hamites, and the Semitic adoption of the Hamitic gods and religious system. It is manifest that, at a period

iate between the white and yellow races, graduating insensibly into each. "The Uzbecs, the Osmanli Turks, and the Hungarians are not to be distinguished in app

d by the same agglutinative char

ong composed in praise of the sun and the Incas. Mr. John Ranking derives the word Allah from the word Haylli, also the word Halle-lujah. In the city of Cuzco was a portion of land which none were permitted to cultivate except those of the royal blood. At certain seasons the Incas turned up the sod here, amid much rejoicing, and many ceremonies. A similar custom prevails in China: The emperor ploughs a few furrows, and twelve ill

f America, offer striking analogies with the ideas of Eastern Asia-analogies which indicate an ancient communication, and are not simp

pe and pattern as those of Yucatan. And when we reach the sea we encounter at Suku, in Java, a teocalli which is absolutely identical with that of Tehuantepec. Mr. Ferguson said, 'a


was in some degree influenced by that of Eastern Asia; and, secondly, that the discrepancies ar

he first branch of the family of Japheth which went forth into the world; and by that premature separation, by an isolated and antagoni

rom Atlantis, and, therefore, reaching farthest away from the

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