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Atlantis: The Antedeluvian World


Word Count: 5111    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ion: "Did the Aryan or Japhe

me from the drowned land, to wit, Atlantis. According to Genesis, the descendants of the Japheth who escaped out of the Flood with Noah are the Ionians, the inhabitants of the Morea, t

nations confirm the Biblical account of their primitive residence in the same country with the Hamites and Semites. Rawlinson informs us that even Aryan roots are mingled with

at all the languages of the Hamites, Semites, and

re too is Mount Ararat, where it is said the ark rested-another identification with the Flood regions, as it r

e Atlantis ships are then but two hundred miles distant from Armenia. But these ships need not stop at Syria, they can go by the Dardanelles and the Black Sea, by uninterrupted water communication, to the shores o

yans, a people went from Iberian Spain and settled in Ireland, and the language of this people, it i

, Carthaginians, and Noachites on the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea." ("American Cyclop?dia," art. Basques.) There is reason to believe that these Kelts were originally part of the population and Empire of Atlantis. We are told (Rees's "British Encyclop?dia," art. Titans) that "Mercury, one of the Atlantean gods, was placed as ruler over the Celt?, and became their great divinity." F. Pezron, in his "Antiquity of the Celt?," makes out that the Celt? were the same

scent from the people who were destroyed by

Celts, Germans, Romans, Greeks, and Slavs-do not only share the same words and the same grammar, slightly modified in each count

home of the Indo-European races must be sought in Europe, because their stock of words is rich in the names of plants and animals, a

ns and cities, on highways. They were not hunters or nomads. They were a peaceful people; the warlike words in the different Aryan languages cannot be traced back to this original race. They lived in a country having few wild beasts; the only wild animals whose names can be assigned to this parent stock being the bear, the wolf, and the serpent. The name of the elephant, "the beast with a hand," occurs only twice in the "Rig-Veda;" a singular omission if the Aryans were from time immemorial an Asiatic race; and "when it does occur, it is in such a way as to show that he was still an object of wonder and terror to them." (Whitney's "Oriental and Linguistic Studies," p. 26.) They possessed nearly all the domestic animals we now have-the ox and the cow, the horse, the dog, the sheep, the goat, the hog, the donkey, and the goose. They divided the year into twelve months. They were farmers; they used the plough; their name as a race (Aryan) was derived from it; they were, par excellence, ploughmen; they raised va


whole country was divided into military districts or squares ten stadia each way; the total force of chariots was ten thousand; the great ditch or canal was one hundred feet deep and ten thousand stadia long; there were one hundred Nereids," etc. In the Peruvian colony the decimal system clearly obtained: "The army had heads of

to possess no wild beasts save the bear, wolf, and serpent? No people could have been developed in Asia without bearing in its language traces of century-long battles for life with the rude and barbarous races around them; no nation could have fought for ages for existence against "man-eating" tigers, lions, elephants, and hyenas, wi

d isolated from the attack of the savage tribes that occupied the rest of the world? And if such a great civilized nation had dwelt for centuries in Asia, Europe, or Africa, why have not their monuments long ago been discovered and identified? Where is the race who are their natural successors, and who must h

ays a high authority, "If any more proof were wanted as to the reality of that period which must have preceded the dispersion of the Aryan race, we might appeal to the Aryan numerals as irrefragable evidence of that long-contin

we have added some mechanical contrivances to produce the same results. Their metals are ours. Even iron, the triumph, as we had supposed, of more modern times, they had already discovered. And it must not be forgotten that Greek mythology tells us that the god-like race who dwelt on Olympus, that great island "i

the Aryans had reached such a degree of development that they possessed a regularly organized religion: they worshipped God, they believed

ogy is really a history of the

other branch of the g

their gods are also th

nceded to be the Greek

e royal famil

mn to "King Varuna," in

wide sky, with its ends far apart. The two seas are Varu

we find another hy

ers knows the ships. He, the upholder of order, who knows the twelve months w

o the twelve months we are reminded of the Peruvians, who also divided the year into twelve parts of thirty days each, an

en then this masonry of Pre-Christian days, in which kings and emperors begged to be initiated, was, it is claimed, continued to our own times in our own Freemasons, who trace their descent back to "a Dionysiac fraternity which originated in Attika." And just as we have seen the Saturnalian festivities of Italy descending from Atlantean harvest-feasts, so these Eleusinian mysteries can be traced back to Plato's island. Poseidon was at the base o

the king of Atlantis,

into the Greek god Zeus

among the Hindoos a

d the Father, as amo

h became among the

th the Atlantean system is shown in t

eks, "he set out on a journey through all known countries, even into the remotest parts of India, instructing the people, as he proceeded, how to tend the vine, and how to practise man

he older Greeks describe him as a king very great during his life, and deified after death.... Amon, king of Arabia or Ethiopia, married Rhea, sister of Chronos, who reigned over Italy, Sicily, and certain countries of Northern Africa." Dionysos, according to the Egyptians, was the son of Amon by the beautiful Amalthea. Chronos and Amon had a prolonged war; Dionysos defeated Chronos and captured his capital, dethron

Hindoo we still find

He is connected "with the oldest history and mythology in the world." He is said to have been a contemporary with Indra,

ign control of affairs in Meru; he conquered the seven dwipas, and led his armies through all the known countries

-De-onyshas) had also been king of Meru; and we must remember that Theopompus tells us that the island of Atlantis was inhabit

and Lake Superior to Armenia and the frontiers of China, that this Atlantean kingdo

islands of the ocean, altogether surrounded by inhuman (or superhuman) personages; he engaged in a contest with Brahmans, and perished. Nahusha, mentioned by Maull, and in many legends, as famous for hostility to the Brahmans, lived at the time when Indra ruled on earth. He was a very great king, who ruled with justice a mighty empi

e period of their history which was assigned to the gods,

ed to be a living tongue thousands of years ago, we can almost fancy those hymns preserve some part of the songs of praise uttered of old up

one born Lord of all that is. He established the earth an

atness these snowy mountains, whose greatness the sea proclaims, with the distant river. He through whom the sky is bright and the earth firm.... He who measured out the light in the air... Wherever the mighty water-clouds went, where they placed the seed and lit the fire, thenc

it was not written by a people living in the heart of Asia. It was the hymn of a people living in a volcanic country, who call upon thei

was regarded as a messenger r

u, O sage, goest wisely between these two creations (heaven and e

as), part of the sun-wor

g being to go to his work. When the fire had to be kindled

living ruler of men; through whom we may cross the waters on our way to the happy abode." This happy abode is described as "where King Vaivasvata reigns; where the secret place of heaven is; where the mighty waters are ... where there is food and rejoicing ... where there is happiness and delight

; "the worship of idols in India is a secondary formation,

such as prevailed in Pe

with Plato's descrip


ar or on the west coast of Africa. It does not follow that the island of Atlantis, at any time while inhabited by civilized people, actually reached these coasts; there is a strong probability that races of men may have found their way there from the three continents of Europe, America, and Africa; or

for supremacy, but were conquered by Zeus. There were also two rebellions of the Titans. The Titans seem to have had a government of their own, and the names of twelve of their kings are given in the Greek mythology (see Murray, p. 27). They also were of "the blood of Uranos," the Adam of the people. We read, in fact, that Uranos married G?a (the earth), and had three families: 1, the Titans; 2, the Hekatoncheires; and 3, the Kyklopes. We should conclude that the last two were maritime peoples, and I have shown that their mythical characteristics were probably derived from the appearance of their ships. Here we have, I think, a reference to the three

sis." (Lenormant and Chevallier, "Ancient History of the East," vol. ii., p. 2.) But surely those who "first emigrated westward," the earliest to leave the parent stock, could not be the "Young Ones;" they would be rather the elder brothers. But if we can suppose the Bactrian population to have left Atlantis at an early date, and the Greeks, Latins, and Celts to have left it at a later period, t

for supposing that the


intrusive races in Asia from the direction of Europe. The Aryans in Europe have dwelt there apparently since the close of the Stone Age, if not before it, while the movements of the Aryans in Asia are within the Historical Period, and they appear as intrusive stocks, forming a high caste amid a vast population of a different race. The Vedas are supposed to date back to 2000 B.C., while there is every reason to believe that the Celt inhabited Western Europe 5000 B.C. If the Aryan race had originated in the heart of Asia, why would not its ramifications have extended into Siberia, China, and Ja

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