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Dirty Dare

Dirty Dare

Author: Ink writer

Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1131    |    Released on: 14/04/2022

ght? This was just me being myself, being the first crippled gangster in New Yor

our leg gone forever," I said, trying to wink at him, but

u guys this summer! I am resuming this popular, rich school in Canada,” I said, staring at my piercing with the mirror handed to m

ernational school in Canada,” I said, br

g, are you already missing me this badly?" I whispered jokingly. " Sure! I mean one of my best buddies is leaving New York city for Canada,”

e in New York." he said, "Wow, someone is looking after me now! I might start weeping now, but

though I lost both parents." I said, taking a huge breath. "I didn't mean

holding the side of my chest, which I ostensibly think was my heart. His face grinned widely

indow. “can you put on cool music?” I asked the driver.

ing rich! They have been wanting me to live with them ever since my parents died when I was 10, but I

hank you.” I said to the driver before going to the front porch. I was already drizzling from the water. I pushed the doorknob, t

," I managed to say, I had never seen them before! They looked like strangers to me but I was ready to adapt to them faster. "Would you

You can use the guest room! Is it okay with you?" The noise from the people downstairs was way too much. I mean this wa

nt to the guest room which my grandma had described since she couldn't direct me to the room because of the guest she had to talk to. I opened the room door to find a milky

er! Having my parents die in an accident which caused me to have one of my legs amputated was terrible. I always wished I had died with the

always wanted to be a musician since I was little. Yes, I had the voice! But I had no legs! Practically, I was reje

the mirror. I had long blue and black hair, I had a rounded face, big eyes, small lips! Beautiful I must admit, but I had no legs. Funny, right? I know. The next few

times I stay in my room chatting all day with Daniel. Don't get the wrong idea between me and Daniel! He

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