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Dirty Dare

Chapter 7 7

Word Count: 1147    |    Released on: 14/04/2022

ulled my knees to my chest and hugged my legs. Immediately, I typed 'How to get close to a guy.' The first step made me smile widely. 'Find a

versation with him? I thought hard. This was going to be harder than I thought! I sat at the co

lways ready to mess with you and make your life miserable or a living hel

crashed into something and a couple of papers kept flying up. I barely managed to grab a couple of them. Instantly, I st

hair and smiling at me. With a broad grin, she asked. "wou

asn't going to ask that but cool, I was going to invite you over to my open

e asked. "Well, Uh." I tried to say but she cut me off. "You should probably clean the mess y

go eat somewhere," she said, arranging the papers in her hand. "That was quick." I said carelessly. "stupidity," she said, waving the papers in her hand

d out of school to the nearby diner. "Are you usually l

ard. "seriously, I tend to be enthusiastic sometimes but I am glad to have met you." she said. "Lucy miller,

d, checking the menu in front of me. I stared at her to see her virtually smiling. Staring and scanning over the menu and the pictures of

anyway," she said. Silence seemed to hang between us as we waited for our food. Basically, we had nothing to talk about besides school. I didn

mind," Halsey said. " Oh," I managed to say. "Must friendship start with favorite sport, movies, or books," Halsey continu

ked it together, making it spill accidentally. We stared at each other before laughing. We turned to notice two teenagers. The girl had obviously turne

sage read. "I am sorry, I have to go," I said, staring at Halsey. She was sure the kind of friends I needed in my life. "I know you ha

ane's car packed in front of me. The glass window of the car slides down a bit so I can see her face. I opened the door of the passenger seat

lous?" I asked, grinning. "No, I became your friend before her! So I am basically your best friend. Right?" she asked. I didn't answer back. Instead, I tu

et back with James! I think I have a plan." Diane

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