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Dirty Dare

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1111    |    Released on: 14/04/2022


Maybe because I always had a nightmare about the accident that caused my parents to die, I co

new uniform. It was blue blazers and a white uniform top and black trousers! My grandparents knew I

to be wakened by an alarm or their parents walk into their r

weather! Today was probably going to be freezing, I said, smiling to myself. Someone who could have caught me

hewing gum and went to my shoe collection, I took out my black booths, I sprayed my fragrance and grabbed my backpack, I closed the room d

ng further, from the look of things! My grand

irst day, you don't want detention on your first day, right?" she said winking at me. "sure, I wouldn't want that grandma." I said laughing. Wh



e fun I had at it. Bullying students was total fun for me. I don't know the reason! But guess what? I derive joy from do

, that is like a daily routine ever since Chloe, my sister, passed away. They have never settled over anything eve

o school! I took out my phone and texted Alyssa, before putting on my cigarette. It was quite chilly and

drink or else he was getting it from me this morning. "Hey, dumbass?" I yelled, making him adjust his glasses, which irritated me more

ass he was. "Where is my usual?" I asked. "Hmm, I couldn't get it today! My dad is

ething?" I said, annoyed. I was going to hold him by the hair but I was shocked to

? It wasn't her business. Wait, what did she call me, Asshole? I stood up and tried to catch Kendrick by the hair but sh

You know what I like about tough girls, they act q

aid. I took notches closer to her and to my surprise she slapped me. I used my hand to caress my face, "I warne

me before laughing. People were starting to gather in the hallway. "You just don't bully students

ng. I moved closer to her ear and whispered, "you have just caused your pain from henceforth." I said, turni

ake me lose my patience this morning." she said to my face before leaving. That alone gave me chills b

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