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Dirty Dare

Chapter 6 6

Word Count: 1136    |    Released on: 14/04/2022


ly? I mean not that I cared about school, but I was simply amazed by the crippled gangster! She wasn't your typical teenage girl who ran after

oking! As much as it hurt my ego to admit. I loved the way she plaited the front of her hair and tied the bottom in a ponytail, the way her small pouted

d me and opened her locker. "Hey, Lucy?" I whispered to her as she kept chewing her gum, completely disregarding me. " Come on! Talk

nd you weren't picking up, I was worried and wanted to check on you," I told immediately. "So, is the bad boy trying to be caring? but guess what?" She ask


James. Watching him and Diane kiss was more painful than a gunshot to your leg! I knew it was quick,

t. I didn't want Diane trying to reach me on the phone! I knew she would get mad at me for leaving like the way I did but I was going to l

e my grandparents standing by the stairs, "grandma, grandpa, Anything the matter?" I asked, staring blankly at their faces. " Well, there

friend the son's owner of Brookfield asset management inc.," grandpa said. " But it's fine if you don't do it." grandma added. They

"Thank you, Lucy." they both said in unison, "when is this party?" I asked

I befriend the son of the person they wanted me to steal some documents from? I kep

decided to hold myself from answering him! " Come on. Talk to me, please, you can't ignore me forever." he finally said. I mean, yes, I couldn't ignore him forever, but I was

yesterday and you weren't picking up, I was worried and wanted to check on you," he said, making me upset. "So, is the bad boy try

ided to go say hello. Immediately, I took some steps further! I stop

e asked, making me turn to glance at her. "No, I didn't," I said bluntly! I hope she doesn

me confused. They weren't back and they were caressing and kissing yesterday? What the hell? I wanted to ask why they kissed and ca

t?" I asked. "could you help me and James get back together?" she asked. I was going to say no but she instantl

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