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Dirty Dare

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1314    |    Released on: 14/04/2022

e on Friday?" James asked, staring into my eyes! Yeah, I also gazed back because this angel

ow if him asking meant that he was hitting on me. "no Lucy! He could

, making me nod my head. He stared from me to his friend's direction, "we have to meet up with our couch b

after a lot of turning and swerving, I finally located my class. The teacher didn't seem to be in class,

just my music book. I didn't know which but I needed to do one of those because the eyes that were upon me were killing me. I opened my bag and hurriedly tried

anly and not girly at the same time, should I say the middle voice. I stared up to see a girl with a tatto

I said, glaring at her. "well Lucy, I kinda find you interesting, can we be friends?" she asked stretching her hand for a handshake which I shake willingly. "I hope we tru

with me. Throughout the period, I kept feeling sleepy. Diane kept asking questions! It felt like she liked maths. Finally, the period was ove

, has he been staring all through the class? "hey, do you probably have something to do after school?" Diane asked, catching my attention. " Do you have

e bell rang for the dismissal of school. " So, can we drop by my place first? I think I have to change. I don't want who I want

ool! I guess it was from last summer break. I overheard some students saying maybe because she was cri

ast them to go home. This school sucked! I knew the student from my other school kind of respected me but not definitely for bu

lass window of the car went down, making me notice Diane. " Girl, where you planning on ditching me?" she asked, acting hurt.

at song. The beat alone was crazy. As Diane drove us to her house we kept chatting about each other. Perhaps by getting to know one

rents, but it was just portable. We strolled inside to notice Diane's mum making out with a young man, "Mum, what are you doing?" Diane said, making me look aw

g Diane storm upstairs, making me walk behind her. In no time, Diane was ready and we had left their h

they held. I stared at Diane and noticed she held two tickets! We were finally inside the hall as teenagers kept talki

staring at this set of hotties playing the best instrument I liked. Diane just kept jumping and jumping. And fin

and stood. She walked to where James stood and kissed him on the lips. "

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