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Chella Lae

Chella Lae's Book(1)



"I'm not getting married to him!", Xue Xi yelled at the top of her voice. " You are and that's final and you know why? Because if you dare refute, your secret goes out ", he said icily, that a chill ran through her spine. She subconsciously shook her head. No! Not that! Not her secret! Wait, what's happening? Who's she? She's crazy She's charming, She's vicious and still, Loving She's Xue Xi; The heartthrob of City X Commands great authority.. Loved by all.. Except..her family She's used to it.. Until one day, that day changed her life forever. For the worst or best?? We do not know. All we know is that day changed her entire outlook on life That day changed everything about her. And do you know the most funniest thing? She didn't know what happened that day. Now, she's being threatened Not by any other thing, But by that same day.. Will she stand? And just what happened that day? As her past threatened to ruin her future, she must make a choice. To get married and erase everything about her past or to live with the stigma but stay single What choice will she make? " Your husband or your past?" "That was why you wanted a divorce right? Fine, I'll give you what you want. Sign those papers". "Hello Xue Xi, if you want every information about what happened that day, come to the address I'll send to you and come alone". " I'm back Xiao" *Slap* "Never ever address me like that because I don't belong to you. You left when I needed you!" "Karma will surely catch up with you". "He he, It will start with you, in the mean time, enjoy basking in your defeat". "I'm Xue Xi, born never to accept defeat and I will never accept defeat. When I want something. I get it and yours will never be a exception". Join Xue Xi as she struggles to find out what happened that day and the connection it has with her marriage. And what happens when Xue Xi finds out the whole puzzle surrounding the story? " There was really more to everything than what met the eye" What is the whole truth?