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Emmakvng's Books(2)

Dilemma of an Alpha

Dilemma of an Alpha

What else is left to be a secret from the eye? Every living things like werewolves are under the same law, which is the cross law, no matter how big you are, you will surely carry your cross, this equally means that no man is free. Just like the story of the Dilemma of an Alpha. A young girl, who is just 13 years of age, she had to suffer to survive after she lost her parent at a very early stage of life. She was back stabbed by the only man she ever fell in love with, she taught he loved her and wanted to have a future with her but, unfortunately for her, he only wanted to have some fun with her, and during that process, he got her pregnant. She managed to give birth to the child, and the child turned out to be a boy. As time went on, it was later Opened out that zari's son is the apparent heir to a very mighty empire pack. It was discovered that the guy who did those horrible stuffs to zari is the same guy she rejected a long time ago and he is presently the alpha of one of the most mighty pack in universe. Sammi, the son of zari grew up to be a very strong and brave guy, he was also gifted to be very powerful. Sammi's father is already too old and has to step down for his son to be the new alpha of the pack, the coronation is fast approaching, so he has to mark his Luna, so as to make the ritual completed. But what happens when Sammi's mate 'Camilla,' who he has made up his mind to mark as his Luna, turns out to be the daughter of their enemy from another pack? If Camilla's father finds Alpha Sammi in his territory he would be in danger and if Alpha Sammi's father finds Camilla anywhere around his territory she Sha be in danger. Do you think anyone among this two lovers would try to cross this boundary placed in-between them? And don't you think the whole situation could drive Alpha Sammi into a state of critical Dilemma? Find out in this exciting and alluring book.