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Lgz's Book(1)

Brother, you are so sexy, I love it so much!

Brother, you are so sexy, I love it so much!

Young Adult
[Sadomasochism + sweet pet + infatuation + dominance + two male protagonists + octagonal "Three pairs of lovers!"』 Men are not coquettish and women are not loving. In this season of summer, it always makes people feel restless!The entanglement of fate and the power of love, two hearts made a lifelong agreement in their innocent childhood.However, the twists and turns of life separated them when they were young, but their hearts were always tightly connected.That night, it rained heavily and she cried so much that she couldn't bear it, but he didn't even say goodbye before leaving.She hid in the corner and secretly watched him leave, holding tightly the bamboo ring he gave her as a token of their agreement."This ring is for you. When I grow up, I will marry you... "Hang yourself with a hook and you won't be allowed to change for a hundred years... Anyone who cheats is a puppy."Years later, the two people are looking for each other without ever meeting each other.Perhaps it was destiny, or perhaps they had a tacit understanding, but they met again by chance.He was drugged, and she happened to be his antidote.That night, she became his woman, and he experienced the sweetness and pain of love.The change of fate made her become a rich young lady, and he was no longer the little boy in the orphanage.Their status has undergone earth-shaking changes, but their hearts have never changed, and their deep love has never changed.He fell in love with her at first sight, deeply in love with her.She also gradually fell in love with him... Their life was full of sweetness and warmth, as if time had stopped, but fate made them part again...