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StilettoGodmother01's Books(2)

PBS #2: The Billionaire's Wife

PBS #2: The Billionaire's Wife

I took a deep breath."Antonio I....I'm pregnant."His smile suddenly faded and his brown eyes turned darker by the second. He removed my hands from his. "She was right. I can't believe that manipulative bitch was right I thought you were different.I thought you weren't like that." I looked at him in confusion. "What the hell are you talking about Antonio?" I asked him without beating around the bush. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. You used and trapped me all at once and like the idiot I was. I allowed you to." He yelled, with venom lacing his words. "I don't want to see you and I don't want anything to do with that thing inside of you." I was on the verge of tears but didn't want to show him that. "I want all your things gone when I return home." **** Venus Angelopolis is forced into a marriage for her brother's life because of a feud that started years ago between the two families. When she meets Antonio she wants nothing to do with him, especially after he admits commitment is not for him but things take a turn one drunken night which results in an unexpected pregnancy. Antonio DeVaio finest, youngest and most successful bachelor of New York claims that love isn't anywhere to be found in his long and complicated book. Seeing Venus for the first time caused him to misjudge her drastically so he lays down his rules from the start but when his brother Luca returns with a magnetic attraction towards Venus one drunken night Antonio begins to see a side to her that wasn't there before which causes his point of view towards her to change immensely. Author: StilettoGodmother01 Publisher: EasyReading