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The nerd who rules the school

The nerd who rules the school

Crazy Fangirl


"Who do you think you are? You are just some nerd." He sneered at me, looking down at me like he already owned this place. I chuckled at his ignorance, "Honey, I'm the nerd who rules the school." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You know those cliché stories where it is either 'player and nerd', 'bad boy and nerd', 'bad girl and nerd', 'bad girl and bad boy' etc. What do all those have in common? Well, there's always a nerd that's weak and bullied. That's either the damsel in distress or she suddenly turns badass. But sorry to say, my story is completely different. People fear me, no one dares to bully me, even the cheerleaders and our school's star quarterback bow down to me. Oh you think I'm the 'bad girl'? Sorry, but I'm the nerd who rules the school.

Chapter 1 Prologue

I walked down the hallway with my head held high. My converse smacking on the ground. All conversations and laughter stopped, instead there was silence. I smirked. I loved this power, it made me feel like I'm on top of the world. "Hey Laura! Wait up!" Maya shouted to me. Just like that the spell broke, people started to talk again but in hushed tones. "Hey, quick we need to be there early, we have a test!" Maya said while getting her binders and notebooks from her locker which 'coincidently' was next to mine. We rushed to our class which was mostly the same.

We were the first one to arrive, since we were the only students that even cared about school. We sat right in front of the teacher, opening our textbooks to study for the test which we already studied for 2 hours and had already memorised the whole thing. But it's mostly for show. The students started to come for classes talking and gossiping, not even caring about the test. I rolled my eyes, typical teenagers. The teacher came and the talking was toned down to silence. I gave a polite smile to the teacher and the teacher smiled back. I heard one of the students behind me said, "Teacher's pet." I scowled, I hated being called the teacher's pet, it made me felt like I only do what the teachers like. I smirked to myself, oh he had no idea what's coming for him. During the test, I said to the teacher with a sickly sweet smile that the teacher had no idea it was fake, "Ms Catarina, just now Justin was asking me for the answers." Ms Catarina, who was a very pregnant woman in her late thirties, mid-length dyed brown hair, looked sharply at him with an angry look, "Mr Johnson, I didn't expect you to cheat in my class during a test! I thought you were a good students, go to the principal office right now!" "But I was-" he said stammering, his face red with embarrassment. "Don't give me any excuses, now leave!" He left, his head hung low. The whole class was watching this drama like watching a movie, no doubt they would gossip about it later. I smirked, now no one will dare to call me the teacher's pet ever again. After the bell finally rang, I walked up to the teacher and asked sweetly, "Ms Catarina, do you need help?" "No, thank you Laura." "No problem." I said flashing her a beaming smile. Mission accomplished. I walked out of the classroom, hearing the students spreading the words like wildfire. I kept my head high, walking to my other classes, Maya joined me, giving me an high five which I gladly gave back, "Nice Laura, now what did he do again?" "He called me the teacher's pet. " I said nonchalantly. "Ooooh no wonder he was in such big trouble." She said laughing. I smirked, "You know I'm the nerd who rules the school." Yes I know you guys are probably shock. OMG how could a nerd rules the school? Are you sure you are a nerd? And are you sure you rules the school? Yes. I'm the nerd who rules this school and you are probably wondering how and why. First I don't want to be treat like some dirt under everyone's shoes and always bullied. Second my mother is the school's principal, I could get away with almost everything and since I'm this 'goody-two-shoes', teachers and parents trust me. Since sophomore, cheerleaders that bullied me before now bow down to me, students were afraid of me, and jocks would respect me. And of course there's always this one person that would come here to rain on my parade. This probably seems bad and cringy but it's just the prologue, it's going to be better I promise. Next update is going to be next week.

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