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The nerd who rules the school

Chapter 6 V

Word Count: 794    |    Released on: 07/02/2021

g great, until last period, in history which was my favorite subject. It turned my day upside down. My teacher, Mr Sean gave us a group project and

lared at him, "No." "Why." He whined loudly, making heads turned towards us. I ignored him. We researched for the whole lesson, he researched about social life while I researched about the environment and economy. The lesson passed as smoothly as it could be, he kept on making little comments here and there, asking stupid questions just to annoy me. My patience was as thin as a hair by the end of the lesson. Once the bell rang, I rushed out of class as quickly as possible and found Maya so we could walk home together. "Maya, oh my god you wouldn't believe this but I need to do a fricking history project with Asher!" I complained to her. "What? Oh my gods can this get anymore cliché," she laughed at my misery. "Maya please come back to reality." I groaned at her. "Okay okay, so what's the project about and what do you guys need to do? I just hope it's not the baby project." She giggled at the last part. "What the hell! Ok never mind I'm going to ignore your last sentence." Then I explained to her about the project. "That's not too hard!" She said brightly, "Although he was disturbing you, at least he did some work, so maybe you guys can work together and not have any problems!" "Maybe, I hope so. I just hope everything will tur

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