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The nerd who rules the school

Chapter 3 II

Word Count: 614    |    Released on: 07/02/2021

quietly like the goody-two-shoes I was. I said in a sad, small voice, "Mother it's fine, no need to suspend him, he just came, also he only throw the food on me, no other students got into th

me scholarships. Also this is not your stereotype of schools where the cheerleaders and bad boys rules the school. We nerds rule it, so back off Asher Hunt 'cause you don't know who you just pissed off and you are going to regret it." I hissed at him. I whipped my hair at him, turning on my heels. Suddenly, I felt rough hands griped my forearms and slammed me onto the lockers. I tried not to winced but failed. "And I'm going to change the rules, I'm going to rule this place and I'm going to make your life a living hell." He spitted out with as much venom as possible, his arms trapping me. I smirked, "Such a nice speech, now get away from me before I break your arms." "Oh so the mighty nerd have teeth huh?" He said teasingly. He brought his face closer, his hot breath fanning my face. My face scrunched up in disgust. Then I bought my knees up faster than he could react hitting t

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