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The nerd who rules the school

Chapter 7 VI

Word Count: 907    |    Released on: 07/02/2021

impossible. Maya and I had dug up dirt of a few more cheerleaders. Soon the cheerleaders would all go down. During history lessons, Asher would

Asher right behind me. I could tell that he was observing this two story high house, taking in his surroundings. "Do you want anything to drink?" I tried to be polite. "No, thank you." Awkward silence. Finally, he broke it, "Do you want to do a video or PowerPoint?" "PowerPoint?" I suggested. "Ok." "You can just go to the living room and umm get our notes out, I will go and get my laptop." I said, pointing to the living room and went upstairs to my room quickly. I went in and sighed in relief. This was the most awkward thing that happened in my whole life. Normally, I would get pair up with my friends and if they were not my friends we would go to their house to do it or the library. I got my laptop and was about to go downstairs when I saw Asher standing in the doorway, looking in my room. "What are you doing up here?" I frowned at him. "Looking for the bathroom, nice room." He commented and strolled into my room. My frown deepen, I didn't invite him to to come into my room, isn't that basic manners? Then he went to my bookshelf and got out one of my books. I stared at him, what did he think he was doing, touching MY BOOKS? He noticed me glaring at him and raised an eyebrow. I quickly walked up to him and snatched the book out of his hands and hissed angrily, "Do not touch my books." He stared at me, then he laughed, "Why, what's the problem?" Rage boiled i

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