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The Dreadlocked Barber

The Dreadlocked Barber

Harry Elvis Mushonga


This novel is decorated with an absorbing and thrilling storyline, illuminated with a sublime diction that spices up the scintillating plot, planted with characters of mannerisms that spark curiosity to fathom. It presents well-articulated melodrama, thrills and spills that merge ironies and conflicts, joy and sadness, socialisation and solitude, climax and anti-climax together in a poetically crafted reconciliatory literal envelope. Its thematic makeup and complementary setting are indicative of a well-coordinated and comprehensive storyline.


The clock had struck half-past eight in the evening, like on a daily basis, Thompson had to close his barbershop and make for his home which was situated 5km from his business point. He took into his Toyota Cressida and left Greenstone shopping mall in haste as his vintage, but well-oiled machine screamed off into invisibility with a speed that left all onlookers wondering whether there was really any need to fly to a destination that was just about 3 miles away.

Thompson never believed in hanging around friends, he felt that it was merely a wastage of time to socialize for the sake of time passing, the only person whom he would give a fraction of his stingy time to was Gregory, a fellow dreadlocked gentleman who was working as a bank teller just a couple of yards from Jody's Complex where his action-packed saloon was housed.

On that day, he had taken off with him since they resided in the same neighbourhood of Slaughterville. On countless occasions, Jody would depart Greenstone shopping mall late. He loved his cold ones so much that it would be bizarre for him to leave for his home at 4 pm upon knocking off at Farmers Bank where he was respected for not only his envious diligence and punctuality but also his honesty and outstanding public relations. It is the latter trait that made him friends with the not-so-friendly Thompson. He was a perfect example of an allegiant professional. On that day like any other, he had checked into the Centre Bar to have one or two glasses of his favourite scotch whisky and was to be interrupted from his heartily after-work habit by Thompson who would hurry to fulfill one of his well-concealed escapades. He dashed into the Centre bar, gave Gregory a tap on the back before hauling,

"let's vacate man." He threw some Rands onto the counter and requested a bottle of his favourite wine while insisting on timeous service from the sexy and rowdy bartender called Anisha.

"Time is money Anisha, I'm in a hurry baby girl." Anisha had to render him quick service on the pretext of knowing that he was devoid of patience whenever he enters the bar either during times like these or during his business hours when he bumps in to get a drink or some cash change for his saloon clients.

After receiving his merchandise he never wasted any more time on Gregory who had to gulp his half glass of Scotch whisky and follow his rushing friend to the Cressida. A few seconds later what could be heard was the frivolous raving of the vehicle veering off the shopping mall, a phenomenon not strange at all to all those who knew of Thompson's steering shenanigans. The car suddenly vanished from sight and all that could be heard was its fading groaning sound as it drifted further.

On the slaughter menu, that very day was a very beautiful stout, light-complexioned lady of average height who had checked into the saloon for the very first time to plant artificial dreadlocks. Thompson had to do it himself since he was teaming up with Lisa to braid the vocal Miss Rue, a regular customer of theirs who had insisted on urgent service since she wanted to catch a flight to Dubai where her daughter was working and residing later during the day. Upon seeing the juicy and sexy Lydia stepping in, like always, Thompson did not take time to exhibit his instinctive courtesy by warmly welcoming her and ushering her in the direction of the style pin-ups that illuminated the scintillating walls of the saloon. The price list of the various hairstyles and other services that Thompson Health & Beauty was doing was attached adjacent to the counter so that it could be vividly visible to anyone who walks in to inquire. He had to urgently attend to his new customer brushing aside the outspoken Miss Rue who was beginning to register her impatience owing to a tight schedule.

"You are left with just a small part Miss Rue, Lisa will finish you off now." He was very good at convincing his clients to calm down whenever such contentious circumstances crop up, and Miss Rue being used to such developments could not take her complaint further.

Apart from being given to clandestine operations, immoral contrabands, and indulgent innuendos, Thompson was a master of his trade. He would complete a full head in no time, be it plaiting, dreadlocks planting, or crocheting with keen passion. He was very good at public relations, but he never developed most of the acquaintances he made with male clients into friendship. Everything was strictly confined to business as long as it was in connection with males. Ironically, Thompson never got off the tails of ladies of his intimate taste. He would strike with the speed of lightning. His uncle Davies whom he resided with always wondered whether Thompson was possessed with a spirit of womanizing, or used magical charms to lure his serial sex targets to bed. Thompson was a sex predator, not so many women would resist his lustful flirtations, and the saloon became a very lucrative space for facilitating such filthy and unrelenting acts. Upon dropping Gregory by the gate of his homestead, Thompson veered his Cressida impatiently to rendezvous with his new prey Lydia at a private location. During the dreadlocks planting session, the two had engaged in cosy chatting that subsequently arrived at the setting up of an appointment. Lisa and the other girls never poked into Thompson's pedophile exploits which they had all fallen victim to, only to be released via his use and dump mannerism. The saloon ladies often teasingly referred to him as the ladies' man, and he would tactically dodge the matter every time they got on his case by vacating the saloon, or by turning up the volume of the woofer if he happens to be busy with a client.

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