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Collateral To The Mafia's Don

Collateral To The Mafia's Don

Ava John


He was dubbed the Devil's incarnate because of his fierce persona. After all, he was the feared, ruthless American Russian mafia Don Vladivostok Konstantin Kostya. Love wasn't meant for him, he had his demons until he met her. She was never enough, she was the thorn amid beautiful roses. Everything she wanted and had was taken away from her and she was ok with that, having only a boyfriend who loved her but soon that too was taken away. After she had just returned from a date with her boyfriend Zeus, she got the news. "Get ready Margaret. You'll be getting married tomorrow." Those were her father's words, he said them with coldness evident in his voice, no sign of compassion in his eyes. The moment she heard those words her world crumbled, and her heart ached as she felt her breath get stuck in her throat. And when she found out the identity of her soon-to-be husband she thought it was the end of her. Never did she think it would happen but she fell for him, the man she was supposed to hate!

Chapter 1 The Don Looks Familiar!

"Hurry up, Margaret. We don't have all day, your husband would be here soon," my mother said as she popped her head into my room. A frustrated sigh escaped my lips, we weren't even married at least not yet and the way they all kept talking about the marriage pissed me off. It wasn't like I had a choice, because if I did I would have said no to the alliance as soon as I was told about it.

I turned to look at her, now she had entered the room, her lips curled up as her eyes scanned my body.

"How many times do I have to tell you to get dressed? Or do I have to do that for you as well?" She snarled taking steps towards me. As she got to me she raised her hand and smacked me hard across the face.

My right cheek which she had slapped ached and my vision was blurry. I tried so hard to stop tears from pouring out of my eyes but I couldn't.

I raised my hand to my face touching the cheek that hurt, even though the slap was painful that wasn't even what hurt me more. It was the fact that my mother was willing to give me out like a piece of trash. I was the outcast of the family, I was never good enough. It didn't matter how hard I tried to make them see a little good in me, It was never fruitful.

I tilted my head up to look at her and there was no sign of remorse for what she had just done, rather my eyes met her icy glare which emitted coldness.

"You have just ten minutes to get dressed, and remember to put a smile on that ugly face of yours." She spat placing her fingers on my lips as she widened them forcing a smile.

I nodded, " Make yourself useful for once in your life," she muttered glaring at me once more before she walked out of the room.

Most times I couldn't help but wonder if I was the daughter of my mother's enemy since she hated me so much and did not bother to hide it. Just yesterday, I and my boyfriend Zeus spent the whole afternoon to the evening at the beach, after which we went to his penthouse where we watched movies, we assured ourselves of our love, little did I know that the promises we had made were going to be met with an asunder.

Zeus was the son of a member of the mafia leader gang the Black stones my dad was in. When we met for the first time, I was surprised that he was interested in getting to know me even though my sister Lynn was there, she was the expensive red wine and I was the bitter gourd juice which most wouldn't go for even if they were given for free.

Lynn had beautiful features, she was a blonde, she had thick long eyelashes, green eyes and the body of a model, she was 5'10 ft tall while I was barely 5'5 ft tall. Lynn got her looks from our mother, despite the fact that mom was ageing she was very beautiful. Dad was a good-looking man as well. I couldn't understand where I got my looks from since I was short, chubby, and had boring brown eyes.

Lynn on the other hand was well endowed, despite being the younger one she had so many suitors, and she had the love of both my parents.

My dad loved her a lot but he hated the sight of me, he has always said that my existence has brought him nothing but shame, until yesterday for the first time he said he was proud of me since I had caught the attention of Vladivostok Kostya he was a Russian American mafia Don in the city, I had never met him but from the news, I heard he was called the devil's incarnate, his name alone was enough to make people pee their pants.

He was the ruthless leader of the Blue Scorpion gang the most powerful mafia in our city, they had the power, fame and everything and even worst they feared no authorities, why would they? When they were the authorities. My father had told me that he had taken a loan from Vladivostok and used Lynn as collateral, but the man had chosen me instead. He had offered to give my Dad the opportunity to be a member of the Blue Scorpion if he was willing to give me to him as a wife, and of course, Dad accepted.

"Get ready Magaret. You'll be getting married tomorrow." Those were his words, he said them with coldness evident in his voice, no sign of compassion in his eyes. The moment I heard those words my world crumbled, my heart arched as I felt my breath get stuck in my throat.

I had never felt loved all my life until the moment I met Zeus, and now all of that was going to be over as I would be married to Vladivostok the same man who had killed his father. If he was able to end his own blood then my chances of survival were null, I might end up getting killed the same day I get married to him. I tried to plead with my Dad, but he wasn't ready to hear any of that.

I thought about eloping with Zeus but when I told him, he said it was only going to worsen things since Vladivostok had his men everywhere. It wouldn't take a minute to find us and put an end to our lives. I thought talking to my mom was going to help, but she only told me to be grateful since I was getting married to the wealthiest man in the city, that was the most important thing to my mom, wealth! She was willing to do anything just to get that.

I breathe in and slowly exhale letting the pain out, for a moment I felt better until I fall to the ground. I lifted my head to meet my sister smirking as she stared at me. When did she get in? I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I hadn't even noticed. I and Lynn weren't the best of sisters, and yesterday it got worst, I saw a drastic change in her behaviour towards me ever since My dad announced I was going to be getting married. She was acting like I had taken her most precious possession.

"Why do you keep doing this, Lynn? I'm not your enemy." I muttered getting off the ground.

She rolled her eyes at me before arching her brows. She burst out laughing afterwards.

"We are best of friends, aren't we?" She mocked. Her eyes burned with rage as she scowled at me.

My Mom hates me, my Dad despises me, and my sister sees me as her worst enemy. What a perfect life I've got.

I chuckled, I saw Lynn cocked her head, she tugged her earlobe and she gawked at me like I was someone who was losing her mind. She wasn't wrong, I was doing my best to stay sane, but for how long?

"You always get everything, you got him as well the man I've always desired." She frowned pressing her lips together in a firm line. She jutted her chin out, I could see the hatred she had for me in her expressions. if she had the chance to kill me, I knew she wouldn't wait for a second to do that. She spoke as if I had asked my Dad to let me marry that devil, it made me wonder why Lynn would want a man like that, but the more I thought about it they would be a perfect match. Jezebel marries the devil's incarnate.

"Mom asked me to give you this dress, you should put it on. It did cost a lot of money but I know your body would make it look cheap," she snickered throwing the dress which she was holding onto the bed.

"I hope your life is ruined and filled with so much pain." She let out, and an evil smile crept on her face, she cackled before stepping out of my room.

I took a deep breath, how worst could this day get? First, it was my Mom and now my sister, who knows what is going to happen next. I took a glance at the clock which was hanging on the wall, why hasn't Zeus shown up yet, he told me he was gonna come or did he change his mind. I picked up the dress which Lynn had brought taking a peek at it, I place it in front of my body, It barely covered my thighs. I threw it to the ground in disgust.

There was no way I was going to wear that, I definitely wouldn't want to give the man who was about to become my husband the ideas that I wanted to seduce him or something, the dress was way too revealing. It was backless and the front had a deep cut, which was going to show a lot of cleavage. An idea came into my head, I was going to look the worst. Maybe if he didn't find me attractive enough he was going to have a change of mind.

I ambled to the front of the mirror as I stared at my reflection, my left cheek was red from the slap since I had pale skin, it was really evident. I untied my hair which was packed in a ponytail letting it loose, it was messy and that I liked. I took a black coloured hoodie and sweat pants which I had taken from Zeus, they were his favourite and I didn't give them back so he just let me keep them. Taking off the t-shirt I was wearing I changed into the hoodie and sweatpants. I glanced at the mirror, I smiled at how I looked, that was what I wanted.

I looked like someone who was homeless as my hair was scattered, I ran my hands through my hair making it even worst. I wore my flip-flops, picking up my phone which was on the bedside table I put it in my sweatpant's pocket. Taking a deep breath, I headed for the stairs, As I walked down the stairs I could hear waves of laughter which I recognised to be my parents' voices. I scoffed, a part of me hated the sound of their voice and the other kept reminding me that they were still family. Finally, I reach the living room everywhere went silent as they noticed my presence.

I hoisted my head to look at them, my eyes met mom's. Her eyes trailed my outfit and her jaw clenched.

"What are you wearing?" She asked her eyes showing visible annoyance and anger, I looked down at my feet not knowing what to say.

Dad was about to say something but stopped when the door was opened revealing a man who was wearing a black suit jacket which had little white stripes, he had gold hair which was coifed to perfection, thick bristly eyebrows and sea rover blue eyes which were almond-shaped, there were a fire with passion. He carried an imperious nose well and his angular cheekbones carved down towards a concrete jaw, he was beautiful like a demigod. Beside him was a man who looked fifty he was dressed in a black suit.

"Greetings Don Vladiv," my father and mother greeted bowing slightly. He was the man I was getting married to, I had expected him to look nothing like this maybe an old ugly looking man but this man was smoking hot and young. I could see the reason why my sister Lynn had her eyes on him. I returned my gaze to him, there was something about this face, I had seen him before. I chewed on my lower lips as I tried to remember and when I finally did my chest clenched. It was him, the man who had almost killed me a few days ago.

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Collateral To The Mafia's Don

Chapter 1 The Don Looks Familiar!



Chapter 2 The Deal Is Done!



Chapter 3 Dreadful Dinner!



Chapter 4 The End Of Me



Chapter 5 Meeting His Family And Annika!



Chapter 6 My House, My Rules!



Chapter 7 Trying To Escape



Chapter 8 You Are As Dumb As You Look!



Chapter 9 Nikolai



Chapter 10 Get Ready; We'll Be Attending A Party!



Chapter 11 Her Outburst!



Chapter 12 My Wife; My Most Priceless Possession



Chapter 13 Blood Party!



Chapter 14 Are You Ok



Chapter 15 Nightmare!



Chapter 16 What The Heck!



Chapter 17 Can I Get My Freedom Back



Chapter 18 I'll Rather Teach A Dog To Fly Than Teach you how to fight!



Chapter 19 Lynn And Zeus!



Chapter 20 Heartbreak!



Chapter 21 Shampoo Juice



Chapter 22 Zeus Is Dead!



Chapter 23 He Killed Zeus, And Now Kim!



Chapter 24 You Brought Me Flowers



Chapter 25 In His Arms!



Chapter 26 Women's Support Group Over



Chapter 27 Sorry, I've Been A Jerk.



Chapter 28 A Lesson!



Chapter 29 The Visit!



Chapter 30 Apologise, Or I'll Make You!



Chapter 31 Why



Chapter 32 Friends



Chapter 33 The Room!



Chapter 34 Are You Sure



Chapter 35 Can't Take You Off My Mind!



Chapter 36 Having A Baby



Chapter 37 Tell Me What



Chapter 38 Tacky House!



Chapter 39 Romanov!



Chapter 40 Meeting The Lady!
