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Mr. Sinclair

"Now, Miss Moore, Let us discuss the rules, shall we?". "Do I need to take notes?" She asked timidly. Taking out her phone. "You don't have to, but if you feel like you need it, fine". "Okay, Mr. Sinclair". "Rule Number one: No kissing" "I don't understand, Sir". She thought it to be absurd, who has sex and doesn't kiss. "Rule number two: No mentioning of the word 'love'. Do not speak of it, I don't want to hear it" "Okay Sir". She continued to type in what he was saying. "Rule number 3: This will be the last time you ask for such a thing. After this, you will not mention it, most importantly, no emotional attachment whatsoever". " Okay Sir ". She answered, like a straight A student taking down notes in class. ***ONE HOUR LATER*** As they approached their climax, he lost control of his senses and out of the blue, he aggressively kissed her lips. She broke the kiss. "Sir, you said no kissing"... She reminded him. " Rules are meant to be broken, Miss Moore".. He quickly replied before capturing her lips in another passionately aggressive kiss *** After a night of passion between Jolene and her boss, will things go back to normal? Or will flames arise from a heated one-night stand?

Chapter 1 Coffee

"Good morning Mr. Sinclair. Here is the report you asked for on the top ten upcoming models of VADE". She placed a file on his desk, hoping to get some kind of response.

He was too busy staring down at his laptop to even notice that someone was standing in front of him.

She waited a little longer, not sure if to call him again or leave. She just got the job and was still getting used to her boss.

"What are you still doing here?" He questioned, without raising his head to look at her.

"Uh, well, I thought, I mean was telling you that I got you the...."

"I heard you". He cut her short.

"Okay Sir, have a nice day" She turned to leave.

"How is that possible?" His voice came from behind her.

She turned back, confused. “Sir?".

"Where is my coffee?" He asked, still having his eyes on his screen.

"Oh I'm so sorry Sir" She hurried out of his office.


"Oh no! What have I done? Why didn't I just listen to Mrs. Hubert when she was putting me through all this...oh damn it". She kept on mumbling to herself in front of the coffee machine.

"Hey what's up Jo, how's the new job going?". Came Tom's voice from behind, it startled her cause she thought it was Mr. Sinclair's at first.

"Oh, Tom you scared me... Disastrous is what it is! I can't even get the stupid coffee right. I just can't remember how he likes his coffee, is it black or with milk and sugar, if so, then how many spoons of sugar. And I can't go ask him because then he will think I don't know how to do my job and he will fire me and I really need this job, my entire life depends on this damn coffee right now!"

"Whoa whoa, calm down Jo. You'll be fine. Why don't you just not add anything. Then take some milk and sugar along so he can put it the way he likes it, sound like a good idea?". Tom suggested.

Her face lit up immediately. “Oh Tom you're so smart, you just saved my job thank you". Gave him a friendly hug.

Tom laughed a little. “Calm down, Jo, I'm sure he won't fire you over coffee".

"I don't wanna find out". She sang before walking out the door hurriedly but careful not to spill the coffee.

When she returned, she saw that he already had a cup of coffee in his hand. “Oh, Sir, I'm so sorry, I-I had a little challenge. I'm so sorry for taking long to get your coffee. Did you send someone else to get it for you?" She bit her tongue at the realization that she just questioned her boss.

He raised his head and looked at her from head to toe as if he was just seeing her for the first time that day. For a moment, she was lost in his brown eyes but caught herself fast. He pointed to the table on his right. She followed the direction he pointed in and saw a coffee machine sitting there in the corner.

"That is where you make my coffee". He simply stated and looked back down at his laptop.

"OK, Sir... Sir?"

"What is it, Miss Moore?"

"Your coffee, uhm..." She did not know how to ask that question without sounding idiotic.

"Black, no sugar or milk". He responded, with his eyes now on the report she brought earlier.

"Thank you so much". She smiled and left his office. The rest of the day went on with errands and creating many more reports, business meetings, and little time for chitchat with coworkers.


"Come on, Jo! Let's go to the club tonight, loosen up a little, will ya?". Pleaded Marina, Jolene's coworker, and best friend. It was their lunch break, and thankfully, Mr. Sinclair was not in his office. Jolene had all the time in the world to sit with her buddies at work.

"You know I don't like partying". She whined, reluctant to go with her friends later that night.

"Oh come on, it's not like we're going there to do drugs or something, it's just harmless fun, pretty please". Pushed Marina, that girl never gives up.

"Tom help me out here, tell her I won't go". Jolene pleaded, looking in Tom's direction.

"Well, it has been almost three months since you started working here, it would be nice to go with us once in a while, you know, to relieve stress. I promise you it will be awesome". Tom laughed at her reaction.

"You disappoint me, Tom". Jolene said, defeated. "So, it's a yes?" Asked another of her coworker, Bea.

She sighed “Yes yes".

"Yeah! Woohoo!" Exclaimed her buddies. Her belly turned from anxiety... What does the night hold for her?

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