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 boor in love

boor in love

mary leterman


Greta has only known the bad side of life. Abandoned by father and mother now deceased, she was raised by her maternal grandmother. Growing up, she discovered that being a good girl and having great grades wasn't enough to have your beloved grandma in a nursing home. rest and survive in the world. Accepting all kinds of jobs, she meets an eccentric girl who takes her for new job opportunities. On an adventurous night, Greta ends up falling asleep in a rich businessman's penthouse while he was out of town. She didn't expect to wake up and come across a handsome and looking man. furious. Ryan was focused on living his life. Settling in Seattle for assume the position of CEO in the family company, he didn't care about the nicknames that the media gave him: womanizer, cafajeste and heartbreaking scoundrel. He apologized claiming to be single and not committed to any of the your cases.

Chapter 1 Seattle USA

Seattle, WA USA Beep, beep, beep, beep.

Boom, boom, boom, boom.

I took the pillow off my face and frowned at the clarity. The blanket she used as a curtain on the window fell during the night and huffed at the moaning sounds that began to each through the walls. I hit the alarm clock, it few away and happily stopped playing. The bed, being brusquely pushed against the wall, was still going strong with my roommate getting fucked to the core all night long.

They must have been wearing something. was normal someone fuck for that long?

Grunting with rage at not getting much sleep, I went to my room.

private bathroom to start the day. I swallowed the urge to scream hatred when realizing that there was no more hot water. The cows that shared the house with me must have taken long baths at point of being able to cook vegetables, leaving me only water icy. I closed my eyes with so much annoyance that the tears

trickled down his face.

I washed my hair first, letting the conditioner work while washing the rest of my body. I needed to shave legs, due to lack of time, I only used a razor on my armpits. I was the second lucky to have a bathroom in the room, the first was the renter of the apartment, who I knew from my leadership team cheering at the university. There was another girl in my room

when I moved in, I slept on the couch for almost a year, it was unbearable. Enduring the parties that never ended, the couples of boyfriends who stayed up late and the crazy ones arrived drunk at dawn, throwing up all over the room. when the owner previous room went to live with her boyfriend, I took him and there was another girl suffering on the couch. The middle room didn't have bathroom, only two were suites and therefore there was a

turnover of guys walking naked down the hall to play condom off.

That bathroom had biological study material for next hundred years.

My phone beeped, letting me know it was time to leave. Brushed her hair quickly, pulling it back into a ponytail and looking at me in the mirror. Jeans, T-shirt and sneakers were enough for the day.

My backpack was packed with everything I would need on the street.

I locked my room, said good morning to the two colleagues who looked like irritated by the sleepless night, I took a yogurt in my refrigerator shelf and left.

It was too early and a little cold, drizzling, the worst kind of time. It reduced my working hours a lot and that was not Good.

I walked to the subway, protected by my old and very warrior UW hoodie. I lived in Seattle since the first year of university, but originally, I was born in a small town in the interior of the state. And no, it wasn't Forks, but it could be. Just as small, wet, full of green and gossip people. Unfortunately, there weren't any vampires. hundred year old virgin to change my life with a love overwhelming.

I took a nap, even with the wagon full. I had one

good thing. She was able to sleep anywhere. leaning against bus, standing in the carriage, at the table in the living room, in the corner of the library and even in the empty corridors of the university. That last option was only if I was really exhausted, but it wasn't worth running the

risk. It was better to wait for the women's locker room to empty to being able to take a nap in the warm between one class and another.

I arrived at my first job. I walked dogs of a certain building in one of the most expensive areas of the city.

Owners didn't usually have time to take their pets bored to see the street, got together and asked someone for the employment agency that I was registered. six dogs from more expensive and with the most varied needs were stuck in the my belt as I led them through the park.

A thousand stops to pee, plus two thousand stops for the thousands of coconuts and use my water spray to scare the big dogs wanting to bite or just play. returned each in their respective apartments, I sent the message

to my contact at the agency that it was done and I took the bus to college.

He hoped there were no unforeseen events along the way. THE teacher in my first class of the day seemed to live with something tucked in the hole where the sun doesn't hit, so it had a mood cruel and annoyed those who arrived late.

Despite the bad luck of the sleepless night, I managed to arrive on time.

to buy a coffee and walk calmly to my room. Some classmates were still taking out their materials. I got my computer, a tape recorder and a notebook, organizing my pens so you don't miss anything. He was the type to dump pounds of content.

I was a proud student of business administration with an emphasis on finance. As a scholar, I did my best. Not it was only my future that depended on a career, the care of

my grandmother mostly. After my mother passed away, we were just us and she gave everything she could for me in my adolescence.

When I moved, she remained living alone, but started to having constant dizziness, fainting spells and was diagnosed with diabetes.

My grandmother was always the type to avoid doctors, she hated hospitals, was stubborn, claimed to be healthy as a bull. Was not just like that. In my second year, I had to place her in a home home, where she had medical assistance. my grandfather left us a little money and it was with this fund that I paid the accounts, which were many and did not stop growing.

To support myself, I became a freelancer in all sorts of jobs.

that came up and was still looking for more. It was a matter of need.

I was looking for an ofice to have a steady job, with a slightly better salary and even studying, that I could rent a small apartment just for me. I couldn't stand more sharing space with those girls. We weren't friends.

Each paid part of the rent and did the chores as they were told.

previously combined by a spreadsheet.

"I'm interrupting your beautiful thoughts, Ms. Fontana?

— mr. Robbins, the asshole teacher, questioned me with his air ofnsuperiority.

'Of course not, sir. I gave him a smile.

I avoided rolling my eyes as he was still watching me and it was a huge effort. I made some more notes and researched the topics covered in class. When it was over, I was still

sketching what was on the blackboard and with time running out, I ran for my next class. My life was always running, including, part of my scholarship was because it was part of the

team of track athletes and team cheerleaders

main university.

I was all over the place all the time. Did most of the my meals walking, that's when I had the time and money.

I saved every penny, mostly to keep my emergency savings.

“You're late,” Kayla said as soon as I passed through the gym doors. "We're already warming up."

"I was going to be early, but a bitch fucked my ass all night."

side,” I snapped back. She laughed, not the least bit offended.

"I'm sorry for disturbing your beauty sleep." I will less noise tonight! He yelled after me and I gave him the fnger.the middle one. Did she have an iron pussy? How was she able to to hold on…

"Don't be a bitch today, Greta," Millie urged with a smile. — Even because, he's on the front committee in the next game.

I want a lot of jiggling and your best sexy faces.

- Yes ma'am. I smiled and ran to the locker room.

I changed my clothes and tied my hair back up, changing my sneakers and seeing that someone left a note in my locker,

telling me to stop by the and get my new ofce hours running training. It would be for later. I had to focus on dancing, staying in front required a lot of my concentration and performance, because the games attracted media attention.

I got tired of seeing my face with random expressions on screens and our coach demanded a lot, I didn't like to fail, my scholarship depended on my active participation in the groups I made part. Personally speaking, I was very good at dancing, so they always put me in front. Girls could hate me, however, they recognized that I knew how to shake my ass.

I might not have much in my life, in my bank account, but I was smart, didn't take shit home and never ran from a challenge. Few things scared me in life. I always fought for my goals. The ring was almost my home. To have me in hand, it took a lot of effort, nothing and no one would take me away from the focus of having

the life he deserved.

For my mother, who died full of dreams, for my grandmother, who never broke down in difcult situations and for my father, who

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