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CEO identity protected

CEO identity protected

mary leterman


New Castle and Sunville are fictional cities and are located in America. The seasons in this city work as follows: Spring: from March 20th to June 21st. Summer: from June 21st to September 23rd. Autumn: from September 22nd or 23rd to December 22nd. Winter: from December 22nd to March 20th. Hi, my beautiful reader. All good? I hope so, and I sincerely hope that this reading brings you moments of joy, sighs and many dreams. This book can be read independently, and in it you will meet Colin Miller and Lily Brooks. I loved writing them both. This book is for those who love happy endings, overcoming, emotion, hot scenes and new beginnings. Thank you in advance for this chance to arrive on your shelf, it's a pleasure for me. Kisses, Kalie Mendez. Listen to the playlist of “The Billionaire’s Hidden Son”. To listen, simply open the QR Code reader on your cell phone and point the camera at the code below: CONTENTS Credits Synopsis Fictional Cities Letter from the author Playlist Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Final chapter Epilogue Acknowledgments Other works by the author Contact “Miller Foundation Invites... Benefit Masquerade Ball. Life is happening right now. A second that passes never comes back. So, be sure to attend the ball. Remembering that it will be a judgment-free night, with your identity protected, you will not run the risk of having your photo spread around, as cell phones will not be allowed. When you arrive at the place, don't forget: sing, dance, drink, eat and live like there is no tomorrow. The ideal attire for the event is Black Tie. Time: At 11 pm. Confirm your presence on the Miller Family Foundation website or using the QR Code. Your personal and non-transferable code is LBROOKSKMRA. I wait you there. With the invitation I always dreamed of receiving in my life in hand, I sit down on the bed. Even though I want to confirm my presence immediately, I ponder the current circumstances a little. Unfortunately, my family, after many years of friendship with the Millers, completely severed ties, apparently over a stupid fight involving the purchase of property. At least that's what they told me. And that makes me believe that if I'm receiving this invitation today, Ava Miller, my best friend, definitely found a way to include me on the list. So, still unsure whether I'll go to the event, I decide to send a message. “Ava... As I know your schedule and I know that being so early you are still sleeping, I preferred to respond with a message. I don't even know how to thank you for pulling the strings so I could attend the ball. I know that because of my age, even though there are only a few days left until I turn 18, I wouldn't be able to enter the place. You know, still about the invitation, at the same time that I'm euphoric, already imagining what clothes I could go with, I remember that my presence might not be very welcome. What happened between our families is so sad. Here at home they only talk about how their parents went ahead of mine and bought a property they wanted for a long time, but I didn't understand the story very well. The stress level is so high that they don't even allow me to question anything. Did years of friendship simply evaporate in seconds

Chapter 1 practical exercises

I'm going. Kisses, sis.” As I have theater class and it's almost time, I quickly collect my belongings, which are limited to a bag and a cell phone charger, and quickly leave my room, but I still find Gisélia in the hallway. She is like family, as she has been our cook and friend for at least 16 years, ever since she arrived from Brazil. — May I know where you are going like this, running, without talking to me and at least eating? — She points at me and looks me up and down. — Look how much weight you've lost, Lily. She's always so over the top. I'm definitely not skinny.

I believe it is transitioning into an average mannequin. — I'm going to theater class and I don't want to be too late. — As I approach her, I kiss her cheek. — Today there will be some practical exercises and I need to improve a lot so that, who knows, one day I can star in a successful film. She rests her hands, one on each side, on her waist. - Practical class? Oh, oh, you don't fool me, Lily. I know your true intentions, which is to go around kissing a lot of handsome and famous boys on different film sets. My God. — You really are hopeless, Dona Gisélia. I start to go down the stairs and she follows me. — You know you can confess at least to me. I turn back and watch her. — I can't deny that I dream of working with some very handsome actors, like Colin. But I know that everything that happens on a film set is always very technical, so I can't fool myself. She rolls her eyes. — I don't know, I have my doubts. There are kisses that are real, you know? As well as the hottest scenes. There must definitely be some real scrubbing, as this is very clear. It's no surprise that many actors start dating after some time working together. Gisélia covers her mouth with her hand to contain a smile, and amuses me with her speculations, but as I'm almost late, I don't delay in getting on my way. However, before I even get in the car for my driver to take me to the course, my cell phone rings, and as I recognize the song selected for Ava, I answer it without delay. — Look, Lily, our family may have fought and I don't really understand what's going on either, but we'll always be friends. And what's more, the ball is masked. This is the first year we can attend. Don't even think about leaving me alone in this. She starts talking, and when I'm already in the car, Antônio, Gisélia's husband, starts the car. — I thought about all this, but what if someone recognizes me? Will it not make the conflict worse? I hear your laugh. — Friend, take it from me, no one will realize it’s you. In addition to the mask, you will be wearing a Black Tie, instead of your casual clothes. Not to mention that half of the party will be fueled by alcohol. The other, stoned. - Like this? I hear your laugh. — Rumor, I always hear a lot of stories here at home after a dance. The cream of society chooses the day and place to act as they see fit. But the important thing is that they donate a lot, you know? With each event we raise millions. — I'm surprised by the data, as I never paid attention to it. — But back to the subject that really matters to us, if you're still having doubts about whether to attend or not, I know something that will convince you to confirm your presence in seconds. Curiosity takes over me. — Well, tell me straight away. What can convince me, huh? —Actually, it's a name. Oh my God. She knows how to kill a person with curiosity. - Which? — Colin. Ava leaves me completely speechless when she mentions her brother's name. A beautiful man, seven years older than me, famous, with an enviable resume in Hollywood, a being who will obviously never have eyes for me. He's definitely been in my thoughts since I was 14 and dreaming about kissing for the first time. Now I've lost count of how many times I felt myself calling his name, imagining those shapely thighs rubbing against mine, and a very thick cock hitting me deep inside and making me scream his name. Worse, my desire has always been so strong that a few months ago, using a 12-inch vibrator, I broke my hymen, and even though I've never had sex, I already know what it's like to be penetrated by a rubber dick. Since then I can no longer go without feeling pleasure. — Ava, I have no idea why you, out of nowhere, mention your brother's name. I don't like Colin. Or rather, I see him as a friend. — Tell me another story. She doesn't even give me a second's peace before replying to my speech. - He is handsome? Very. Do his blue-green eyes catch your attention? Too much. So I confirm, every now and then I look at him, yes, but that's it. An admiration without malice. Colin would never look at me, he calls me a brat, have you forgotten? I'm not a sadomasochist, I will never suffer for any man. What I say ends up catching Antônio's attention, he even looks at me through the rearview mirror, but he hides it well. — I'm not going to discuss your feelings anymore, because I've already realized that since your crush is my brother, you'll always deny it. But anyway, I just want your presence. So, go to the website and confirm. I wanna go. Knowing that Colin, the man who is the target of my desires, thoughts, heart and dreams, will be present is an added incentive. He's just traveling and that's why I hardly see him. So, trying to be discreet so that Antônio doesn't notice my plans, I respond: — Okay, I'll find my way to attend. She screams, I even have to move the phone away from my ear. — I'll count the days, Lily. - Me too. — And don't forget to send me a photo of the dress you're going to wear to the party. And I even know what it is. — Yes, I do, I have a long strapless Chanel mermaid model, it shapes my curves and even has a slit on the side, perfect. Ava screams again. — That way Colin won't resist. My beloved Father. — Forget it, Ava. For God's sake. — I swear I'll try. But what if I already imagined you as my sister-in-law? If you don't want to dream, at least I can, right? I roll my eyes playfully. - Maybe yes. A WEEK LATER With the pair of sandals in one hand, with the other holding my cel

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