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king IMA


Like always the sun had risen before rebecca had come to wake me up, knowing i was among the one percent of the one percent who did not have any worries in or so i thought. my eyes opened taking the ambience of beauty around me. Rebeeca smiled, my nanny, madam rebbeca as all the junior staff called her stood in front of my bed excited she screamed “birthday young miss!” smiling back, and raising my head gently. I sat there and watched madam rebbeca moved to the window to raise the blinds. “Your parents are downstairs waiting for you, i think they have thier suprises and gifts.”

Chapter 1 happy birthday

Like always, the sun had risen before Rebecca had come to wake me up, knowing i was among the one percent of the one percent who did not have any worries in or so i thought.

My eyes opened, taking the ambience of beauty around me. Rebecca smiled, my nanny, madam rebbeca as all the junior staff called her stood in front of my bed excited she screamed “birthday young miss!”

Smiling back, and raising my head gently. I sat there and watched as rebbeca moved to the window to raise the blinds.

“Your parents are downstairs waiting for you, i think they have thier suprises and gifts.”

Knowing how well my parents liked to shower me with gifts, i could not wait. rushing to the shower to freshen up and then later placed some lite make up.

My parents could go a bit over the top with thier surprise, and did not want to look like an unkept hamster.

After that, i wore another fresh pair of pyjamas and made her way downstairs.

Both her parents were finely dressed seated and waiting at the living room.

Sit, my father said motioning me towards the cushion that was opposite thiers.

The expression on thier faces made me anxious.

Mellinda you are twenty four years now and you should know better, and trust that whatever we do is not to hurt you but for your own good and ours.

I dont understand mellinda replied in a low voice.

Her mother stood and handed her some documents which she read slowly.

What has this got to do with me. i replied as my lips trembled.

reading the documents, my father was losing crown corp to the bank for some loan he took. now he could not pay back.

It has everything to do with you channel crown told her, your father and i have decided it is in your best interest to give you out to a family friend.

my heart skipped as i heard those words.

which family friend, for as long as i existed as part of this family my parents did not have any friends , all they had where bussiness associates.

He promised to take good care of you and….

I dont want to go anywhere, i dont want to be with anyone, today is my birthsday for Godsakes!

gentle tears escape my eyes as my parents watch helplessly.

What did i do to you both?

He will pay the debts and we will be back in bussiness and you better not dissapoint us her goerge and channel crown said in unison.

George was standing now, talk to your daughter, she needs to pack her things and leave this house today, there will be a car waiting outside to take her to the wayne residence.

It is actually a fair price darius is offering for you, imagine where we will be when all this goes away, on the street begging and the laughing stock of all our friends.

No amount of weeping will change my decision, he oncludes as he storms off leaving channel and mellinda seated in the room.

You heard yur father, is that what you want for us all to be on the streets, your father has a heat c0ndition and at his age who would take care of him.

Who will take care of me, look at me mellinda, this is the best for you and for us.

No this is the best for you and father, you never cared for me, all you care about is your busssineses and parties.

Channel grinds her teeth, she swung her hand and slaps mellisa on the face.

Why would you say such a thing all we have ever done was make your life better, provide for you and now when its your turn to do soething for us.

You turn on us with your ungrateful words.

Mellisa runs upstairs and shut the door of her room, she rushes to her wordrope and starts to park her clothes.

i was thinking of traveling abroad, disappearing, and going somewhere where no one will be able to find her.

i had enough money to do that; I just needed to take a few things along.

As i busied herself with packing my things into a bag, my thoughts began to plague me with all the things that would happen to my parents if i skipped town.

Like, a reel, my father's words kept repeating itself in my head.

and all i could think about was what the man who had decided to settle my parents debts in exchange for me, would do to them.

If he was fond of me, enough to spend that kind of money he would not harm my parents. or so i thought.

The more i thought about it the less pretty the situation seemed.

There was no way out, i said to my self in resignation.

Mellinda heard the a car drive and park in front of thier house, her room was on the second floor.

Mellinda moved to the verenda to take a peak and see who the person who had bought her was.

But there was no one there, she leaned in more but still she could not see anyone.

i just heard the car pull in, was he too pompous to drop and enter the house? i asked rethorically waiting and watching.

i could not tell, curiosity was eating me up.

When i heard a knock on my door . my feet slipped and as i screamed the door opened and madam rebbeca joined me screaming.

The sight had scared the old woman. young miss was over the raillings.

Madam rebbeca rushed towards her, someone help me! she screamed.

And then stopped, her mouth was wide opened now, as she watched in surprise.

Young miss she screamed as she ran towards the door and made her way down the stairs.

i shut her eyes and prayed silently, knowing that i was heading for the hard interlocked floor.

i would probably fracture an arm, and then maybe my buyer or whatever his name was would no longer be interested.

But to my surprise i was held by two strong arms.

As she opened her eyes and raised her head she was met with a handsome face.

my speech was gone, my eyes glowed, as i saw it through his. i felt at home as he held


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