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Divorced bride

April has started college. The problem? Her ex-husband is the professor of one of her subjects. April will not only have to deal with the feelings in her heart; she will have to try not to fall into the temptations Teo gives her: every time he gets close. Will it be passion or love? Erick is suddenly aware: he is losing her forever. Will he want to go back to his ex-wife, when he himself asked for a divorce? Or will he only start to value her, now that he sees her getting closer with someone else?

Chapter 1 1

In college, it was pretty traveled at the time. I was in floor mode: I would have classes with Erick. I sighed, took a big breath of air and it comes out while .s The problem is that I thought someone was holding me from behind, because even though I was taking long steps: I wasn't moving forward. Frustrated and angry, I turned to face the person who was stopping me, but it wasn't anyone. The doorknob was the cause.

I rolled my eyes realizing my clumsiness. I began to take long strides, in the direction of the table. Look for the middle seat, I didn't want Erick to see me so closely. I sigh, the truth is that it's a bit difficult: on this day, after having met Teo; I had felt something special for him.

I didn't even understand myself at that moment:

Why had my heart been beating so fast? It happened as soon as we crossed our hands.

Worst of all, she was anxious to have his class time. The only bad thing is that everyone whispered that something was happening between the teacher and the student.

The student was me and the teacher was obviously Teo.

Erick entered, as soon as he did, I heard a sepulchral silence, but it wasn't like that, instead there were a lot of sighs and whispers suddenly started.

Erick, I clear my throat.

Apparently wanting to gain attention and silencing everyone present.

The girls: they listened. I just know they were watching him with a drool on their face.

I won't deny it, me too!

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