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Milan Moon: Fate of a true mate bond

Milan Moon: Fate of a true mate bond

my stories


Sold to the cruelest alpha king of all times by her step- Mother, she accepts her fate. Once she gives the cursed alpha king a son, she will be set free. But what she doesn't expect is, the alpha king is her mate. The sad part, he doesn't know it. That she can wait, believing the alpha king will realize the bond sooner or later. But one day she finds that she's nothing but a tool to him. Heartbroken, she finds solace in a one night stand with the Alpha king’s brother and it resulted to a pregnancy which made her run away with her unborn baby. The cold and dominnering alpha king realizes his true feelings for her and regrets his indifference to her love. He swears to find her and take her back no matter what. Will the alpha king find Milan and accept the baby? How will the cruel and cold alpha king chase her back, now a single mommy sought by many alphas?

Chapter 1 Trapped in a Loveless Marriage

I stood by the beautiful stained-glass window in my fancy room, running my fingers over the intricate patterns on the glass. The colors swirled and told stories of a forgotten past, capturing my attention. The Alpha King's palace was grand and luxurious, but it reminded me of the life I was forced into.

Even though the room was fancy, with gold-threaded tapestries and shiny gems, I felt trapped like a bird in a cage. I wondered how things ended up this way, forced into a loveless marriage, sold to the Alpha King by my stepmother. I couldn't help but miss my parents, who were my guiding light. If only they were here, they would have never let this happen.

Memories of my carefree childhood days flooded my mind. Running through the lush garden, the laughter of my parents echoed in the air. Those were the days when love and warmth surrounded me, before tragedy struck and left me under Seraphina's care.

Never did I imagine my life would turn out like this. Once, I dreamt of love, of finding a mate who would cherish and support me. But now... that dream seemed like an impossibility.

Lost in my thoughts, the heavy door creaked open, and Seraphina, my stepmother, entered the room. She exuded an air of superiority, her cold eyes glinting with smugness and calculation. “You look positively radiant today. It's time to prepare for your audience with the Alpha King,” she said with false concern. “Keep in mind, this union is crucial for the benefit of our family. It will solidify our position and power within the realm.”

I clenched my fists, struggling to maintain composure. “For our family? What about my happiness? What about love? You never considered these questions, did you? You know I never wanted this marriage, yet you force me into it without a second thought.” She chuckled coldly, her eyes gleaming with greed. "Happiness is a luxury, Milan. Love is a foolish notion,” she said, resting her hands on my shoulder.

“You must come to accept the terms and embrace your responsibilities as the Luna of the Alpha King.”

“I refuse to have my life treated as a mere wager, regardless of how opulent it may seem.You don't care about other people's feelings; you only care about yourself and your selfish desires,” I retorted. She chuckled, narrowing her eyes. “Be careful, Milan. Defiance will only lead to your downfall. Embrace your role, and perhaps you'll find some semblance of happiness. After all, you owe me for being the Alpha's Luna.” With that, she coldly left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

“Responsibilities?” The word echoed in my mind, a constant reminder of the life that awaited me. I glanced out of the window, yearning for the freedom that seemed forever out of reach. The moon's vibrant glow taunted me, as if mocking my predicament.

The Alpha King was feared and ruthless. How could I be with someone whose eyes burned with anger? I couldn't help but wonder why he had been hurt so deeply, causing him to lock his heart away from the world. Sadly, I didn't have any answers to those questions.

As I composed myself, preparing to meet the Alpha King, a knock on the door startled me. Beta Gabriel, the loyal advisor to the Alpha King, stood at the threshold. His kind eyes held a glimmer of sympathy. “He didn't have to send someone to fetch me. I was already on my way,” I said, trying to wipe the tears from my eyes.

“Milan” he spoke softly, "I understand this is not the life you had imagined. But I want you to know that the Alpha King holds great power and respect. Maybe, with time, you might come to understand him.”

I managed a weak smile and replied, “Thank you, Gabriel.”

With a heavy sigh, “just be calm Milan it all going to be over soon it just a Matter of time it all going to be over.” I muttered to myself as I allowed myself to be guided down the staircase to the grand hall where Lucas awaited my presence. He was a man I hardly knew, destined to be my husband. The thought of entering into a loveless union pained my heart. He stood tall, radiating authority and power, his presence filling the room. His intense, glowing red eyes sent a shiver down my spine.

As I approached the altar, Lucas glanced at me, his expression cold and distant. I could see the absence of love in his eyes, and I found myself unable to utter a word.

The ceremony began, and I exchanged vows with a man who barely acknowledged my existence. The burden of my reality bore down on me, and I struggled to hold back tears. I had no choice but to accept the life that had been forced upon me.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months as I adjusted to my new life as the Alpha Luna. The grand castle became my gilded cage, with its ornate halls and intricate tapestries serving as constant reminders of the life I had lost.

Lucas, the Alpha King, remained distant and cold, his duties as ruler consuming his every moment. Our interactions were limited to formal events and public appearances, where we played the role of a dutiful couple. Behind closed doors, I felt like a ghost in the palace, wandering through its luxurious corridors without purpose.

The nights were the hardest. When I would enter his chambers, his touch was cold and distant. There was no passion, no connection between us. It was as if I were a mere obligation, a means to secure his lineage. The ache for love grew stronger with each passing night, and I yearned for something more.

In the rare moments we did share, I caught glimpses of vulnerability and pain hidden beneath Lucas's stoic exterior. It was as if he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders, burdened by the responsibilities of his position. But the walls he had built around himself were impenetrable, “what is he hiding? Why can’t I see through his glowing red eyes?”Suddenly, while I was lost in my thoughts, there was a soft knock on the door. It swung open, revealing Isabella, my childhood friend,wise and empathetic, provided a listening ear and offered advice when I needed it most.

With a knowing smile, she handed me a small package wrapped in delicate silk. “I thought this might bring you a sense of comfort, Milan,” she offered with a caring tone.

Curiosity piqued, I unwrapped the package, revealing a beautiful silver locket adorned with intricate carvings of wolves. Inside, a tiny picture of my parents, their smiling faces frozen in time, greeted me. Tears welled up in my eyes as memories of their love and warmth flooded back.

“Isabella, how did you…”I began, my voice filled with emotion."I found it inside a locker in my mom’s basement,” she explained. “It belonged to your mother. I thought you should have it. Carry their love with you, Milan. It will give you strength in the darkest of times."

Without any words , I embraced Isabella tightly. I whispered, tears rolling down my face, “Thank you, thank you very much.” Her eyes filled with emotions and understanding.

“How are you doing? Have you experienced any signs of a mate bond?”

I sighed with a bit of frustration. “I'm not sure if he's my true mate because he doesn't even acknowledge me. Our nights together feel distant and cold. Isabella, I want something more meaningful than just being someone he sees as nothing but a breeder.I want to feel loved by him, I know something is holding him back, I know there is something he is hiding from me,” with concern and placing her hands on my shoulders “Milan, hey…. Don’t worry he will come around soon. I believe very soon he will come to love you okay.” And with that said “I have to go now make sure you don’t stay up all night, try getting some sleep tomorrow will definitely be filled with love in the air.” As she left the room, I turned my gaze back to the moon, holding the silver locket and that was the first time I felt some sort of relief like a heavy burden was lifted from my shoulders.

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