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My Mate Or My Second Chance Mate

My Mate Or My Second Chance Mate

An Gel


Janet Jackson is a human mated to the Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack but she never knew. Titus Valesco is a billionaire who was in love with his girlfriend Bianca but everything changed when Janet came into the picture. Titus feels that it's an insult for the moon goddess to mate him to a human. Bianca attempted to take her life but escaped and made an unexpected return 7 years later. Titus meets her years later and what's her back but something happened. Will Janet choose her mate who attempted to take her life or the second mate moon goddess gave her? Who will she choose? Will she make a right choice?

Chapter 1 Strange place

The towering trees of the palace gardens were lush with greenery, their leaves rustling gently in the breeze. In the center of the gardens, a marble fountain burbled softly, casting a mesmerizing reflection on the rippling water below. And strolling through this picturesque scene was none other than the Alpha himself, Titus Valesco, a tall and imposing figure with a regal bearing. He was dressed in fine robes, and his hair was neatly styled. He's the Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack, one of the strongest wolf pack ever known.

By his side was Bianca, a beautiful woman with a sly smile and a calculating gaze.

As the Alpha and Bianca strolled through the gardens, they passed a group of servants who were busy tending to the plants and flowers. The servants bowed deeply as the Alpha and Bianca walked by, careful not to meet their gazes. The Alpha was used to this display of deference, but Bianca still found it amusing. As they passed the servants, she whispered something in the alpha's ear, causing him to smirk. The servants pretended not to notice, but they could feel the tension in the air. The Alpha and Bianca continued their stroll through the gardens, they came upon a gazebo, and the Alpha suggested they take a seat. They sat down on the stone bench inside the gazebo, and Bianca leaned in close to the alpha, as if to whisper something in his ear again. But before she could speak, a rustling in the bushes nearby caught their attention. The Alpha tensed, ready for a fight, but Bianca just smirked.

From the bushes emerged a small, fluffy creature, its big eyes blinking in the sunlight. It looked around curiously, then spotted the Alpha and Bianca and let out a small squeak. The Alpha relaxed, realizing it was only a harmless little animal. But Bianca's smile turned into a full-blown grin.

"What an adorable little creature," she cooed. The alpha raised an eyebrow, wondering what she was up to. The creature seemed to sense her interest and scurried over to her, sniffing at her feet.

Just as the creature began to nuzzle Bianca's feet, a shrill ringing sound cut through the air. Bianca jumped, and the creature scurried back into the bushes. The Alpha and Bianca looked at each other in confusion. Then, from the Alpha's robes, a strange rectangular object began to buzz and flash. Bianca's eyes widened as she realized what it was...

Bianca watched in amazement, the Alpha reached into his robes and pulled out the strange object. It was a device unlike anything she had ever seen, with a smooth, glassy surface. The alpha tapped on the surface, and it lit up, revealing even more strange symbols. Bianca's mind was reeling. What kind of magic was this? Was the alpha a sorcerer? Before she could ask any questions, the alpha spoke. "I must take this call," he said apologetically. "It is a matter of some urgency."

Bianca nodded, still trying to process what she had just seen. The Alpha stood up and walked a short distance away, speaking into the strange device in hushed tones. Bianca strained to hear what he was saying, but she could only make out a few words here and there. As she sat there, trying to puzzle out the meaning of what she had just witnessed, she began to feel a strange tingling sensation. It started in her fingertips, then spread throughout her whole body.

The tingling sensation grew stronger, until Bianca felt like she was being pulled in all directions at once. She closed her eyes and tried to steady herself, but when she opened them again, everything had changed. Gone were the gardens and the strange device. Instead, she found herself in a completely different place. It was a bustling city street, filled with people and cars. The buildings were tall and sleek, and the air was filled with the sounds of horns honking and sirens blaring.

Bianca looked around in shock, a woman bumped into her.

"Watch where you're going!" the woman snapped, before hurrying off. Bianca tried to speak, but no words would come out. She opened her mouth to try again, but instead of words, a strange, high-pitched noise came out. A man walking past gave her a strange look and hurried away. Bianca was starting to panic. What had happened to her? Where was she? And why couldn't she speak?

Bianca's panic was growing, but before she could do anything, she heard a voice behind her.

"Are you all right?" it said. Bianca turned to see a kind-looking man, dressed in a crisp suit. His eyes were full of concern, and he reached out a hand to steady her. But when he touched her, something even stranger happened. A jolt of electricity shot through Bianca's body, and everything went dark.

When Bianca opened her eyes, she was no longer on the busy city street. She was in a strange room, with white walls and bright lights. There were machines beeping all around her, and people in white coats were rushing about. When she tried to sit up, a voice said, "Careful, you've just had quite the journey." A man dressed in a white coat approached her and smiled. "Welcome back," he said. "Can you tell me your name?"

Bianca looked at the man, unsure of what to say. She opened her mouth to speak, but once again, all that came out was a high-pitched sound. The man's smile faded.

"It seems the translation device is still not working," he said, frowning. "Don't worry, we'll figure this out." He gestured to one of the machines next to the bed.

"We're still trying to understand what happened to you. Can you tell me how you got here?"

Bianca tried to remember what had happened, but everything was fuzzy. The last thing she could remember clearly was being in the gardens with the Alpha. She tried to explain this to the man in the white coat, but all that came out was another strange sound. He shook his head.

"I know this must be frustrating," he said, "but we'll get to the bottom of this. In the meantime, let's run some more tests." He gestured to a tray of strange-looking instruments. "Don't worry, they're perfectly safe."

Bianca reluctantly agreed to the tests, though she still felt uneasy. As the man in the white coat began to run the tests, she noticed something strange. On one of the machines, there was a readout of what looked like brain waves. But they were unlike anything she had ever seen before. They were spiking and falling in an erratic pattern. The man in the white coat noticed her looking at the readout.

"Ah, I see you noticed that," he said.

The man in the white coat walked over to the machine and studied the readout. "This is very unusual," he said, a note of concern in his voice.

"Your brain waves are unlike anything we've ever seen before." He turned to look at Bianca. "Can you tell me if you're feeling any different? Any unusual sensations or emotions?" Bianca thought about this for a moment. Then, she realized something strange. She wasn't feeling any emotions at all. It was as if all her feelings had been switched off.

As Bianca realized that she wasn't feeling any emotions, she began to panic. "What's wrong with me?" she tried to say, but all that came out was another strange sound. The man in the white coat looked at her, his expression grave.

"I'm not sure yet," he said. "But we're going to figure this out." He turned to one of the other people in the room.

"Prepare for a full body scan," he said. Bianca's heart was pounding as she wondered what would happen next.

Bianca lay on the scanning bed, she felt a sense of foreboding. The machine hummed as it started up, and she closed her eyes. A moment later, she felt a strange tingling sensation all over her body. It was as if a thousand tiny needles were pricking her skin. She wanted to scream, but she couldn't make a sound. The tingling sensation grew stronger and stronger, until it was almost unbearable. And then, suddenly, it stopped.

As the tingling sensations stopped Bianca opened her eyes. Everything looked different. The room was bathed in a strange, shimmering light. And the people in the room looked different, too. They were tall and thin, with large, dark eyes. Their skin was pale, and they had no hair on their heads. For a moment, Bianca wondered if she was dreaming. But then one of the tall, thin people spoke. "Greetings," it said, its voice soft and melodic.

"I am sorry for the discomfort you experienced".

Bianca stared at the tall, thin person in front of her. She was trying to process what was happening, but it was all so strange and unexpected. The tall, thin person seemed to sense her confusion.

"I can imagine this is quite a shock for you," it said. "But please, do not be afraid. We mean you no harm." It gestured to the others in the room. "We are not from your world," it said. "We come from a distant star system."

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