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His Contract Queen Bride

His Contract Queen Bride

Sileas Hills


In a world where duty and destiny collide, Selina Covell and Ash find themselves on an unexpected path. " When did you plan on telling me you were a prince" Selina, an independent soul, has learned to stand alone since her parents' passing, living for her friends and her love of music. Ash, on the other hand, is the strong heir to the throne, bound by family and tradition, living for his duty. When their worlds converge, they discover a connection stronger than either could have imagined. Ash is more than Selina ever dared dream, and their love promises an escape from the weight of responsibility. But hidden beneath the surface is a secret heritage that threatens to shatter their love. In the face of life's insurmountable challenges, Selina and Ash must find a way to embrace their love, defy the odds, and bridge the gap between their worlds. Can they conquer the hurdles and stake a claim on the love they never saw coming?"

Chapter 1 Prologue: History

The kingdom of Agryll/Australias is fictional kingdom copied from Australia any history and local names are the author's imagination any resemblance to actual places and people is entirely unintentional.

Some Time After The Second World War.

The world was still in chaos, struggling to rebuild itself after a tumultuous war that had ruined the lives of many, leaving children orphaned, women widowed, men wifeless and parents without their children.

Within these continents was one that would suffer the most even after the events were done and dusted. After the war the continent Australias had sunk into a quack mire of despair. Hunger and diseases ravaged the people thoroughly with no end in sight which was not a good thing for a government that was slowly transitioning from monarchy to democracy admist the aftermath of a war.

The president,Han Law was not interested in fulfilling the people's needs, just his needs and those of his faithful servants.

By June of the year 1949, four years after the war, the people were fed up and begun to rebel calling back for the royal family. In response to these demands,Law declared all the royal family and those in support of them traitors to democracy. The royal house was slaughtered all from babe to old with no cause or justification. This enraged the people who were not yet been broken, they protested further but Law pressed back as well.

Soon whispers filled the country of a sole survivor of the royal house, and the people doubled their efforts while the world community that had just survived a war watched on with morbid horror.

Many would die but if any were asked they would claim that they were happy to die for freedom, by 1958 the government of Han Law fell when he was executed in his home in Virga. A period of five months were then declared a state of mourning in Australias and at the end of it by September the sole monarch, Samuel Denmore took his place on the throne at the young age of twenty and swiftly begun to work.

In the years that came and went the people were blissful and content somewhat, but that was soon to change.

Ascending the throne, Haeron Denmore whom in 1978 succeeded his father none too well plunged the people into an economic depression. The draw of power and riches corrupted his mind and conscience he banned imports to all but those who were his most loyal subjects and did the same with exports while raising taxes to exorbitant amounts leaving the people desperate and pressed to the wall.

And in 1986 the people went into a revolt, rioting and assaulting any affiliated with the monarch by the end of it Haeron was lynched to death close to his palatial home in North Cosgrove.

At the end of this perils, the country gained its very first queen.

Lady Lorna Denmore sister of the late monarch was coronated on the first of August 1989,she changed the continent's name to Agryll the name their native fore fathers had given the land originally and dragged the country back to civilization, she ruled well with no revolt for ten years before she died in her sleep leaving the throne clear to her only living son Tyrone Kian Denmore who began his reign in 2000.

Tyrone ascended the throne as a well grown and stable man. Having at first been married for diplomatic relations to the princess Anne, daughter of the brother of the English monarch, the union produced no heirs as Anne died few years after marriage. Tyrone would then marry the daughter of a french diplomat and together the couple would produce two twin boys who would take after their parents in equal measure.

the late queen would dote on and spoil her grandsons, doing her best to make for them a normal childhood.

While the people were enamoured with the royalty they would not abandon all caution as time was the best teacher, however their trust would be earned as the king would dedicate most of his life to the people

Over seventy eight years have passed since the world war and all it brought with it, Agryll still prospers and the hope it will continue to do so is great ************* In the year two thousands at the turn of the twenty first century there was a vast improvement in the technology of the world aimed especially towards stopping crime and with that development however came an increase in the number of criminals that used what had been meant to protect the world for their own gain.

The most abundant of crimes at this point in time could have been said to be one of the oldest in the book, the sale of human beings. Child trafficking, baby factories and parents who sold their children to the highest bidders were at the pinnacle of the society hidden within the dark and lonely corners of the internet. So it was that in the splendid city of London over the span of six months a series of unfortunate accidents occured that would leave the children of those families whose parents and guardian had been lost assigned to foster care but within paltry weeks each child would find a suitable home with new wealthy families. While no one could see the trend Shep Mallory did and he strobe to prove it for that he was labeled as a lunatic obsessed with a reality that was unthinkable. Unable however to let it go he pursued the case losing lifelong relationships and loved ones over it but finally he found his proof. In finding however, Shep would come to realise that his quarry had actually been a predator and so as he drowned in the dark murky waters of the Thames, Shep Mallory and the evidence that could have saved lives died with him.

And so we weave a tale of love and friendship, of people brought together by a past unthinkable and the bond of a family chosen of ones

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