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In Her Shoes

In Her Shoes

Dane Lee


Lara Smith is a 30-year-old woman who has been living a dull and lonely life. She doesn't have a family of her own, she doesn't have her own savings, and she is working hard like a dog, just to make ends meet. She wished to be like Amanda Montserrat, a beautiful, rich and a powerful woman who owns Etoile Cosmetics company. The world is her oyster, and she lives a perfect live. She's a trillionaire, she's a genius woman running a cosmetic empire on her own and she is engaged to be married to Emmett Albreicht, who is an extremely famous hotel magnate. While on a company field trip, Lara was involved in a tragic accident, and she was in a comatose state for a year. As she wakes up from her slumber, she realized in horror that she is she's been trapped into a different body! She is now living the life of Amanda Montserrat and she doesn't have any choice but to live a different life while thinking on how to get back to her original body!

Chapter 1 An Endless Cycle


Lara slowly opens her eyes when she heard the alarm sound from her phone. She grabbed her phone to switch off the alarm, and she didn't bother to check the time because she knows that it's exactly 5:30 in the morning, and it's her usual wake up time during her working days.

She immediately got up from her bed, went straight to the kitchen to boil some water for her usual morning coffee. While the kettle is in the stove, she decided to check her fridge to see what she can eat for breakfast.

Lara lets out a depressed sigh when she realized that there was only a slice of cold pizza inside the fridge. Her fridge is basically empty, except for a pitcher of water, and that was it.

She just decided to eat the pizza for breakfast. She popped the pizza into the oven, and at the same time, she started making her own coffee, using the instant one.

Eventhough the pizza doesn't taste good anymore, she forced herself to eat it all. She then finished drinking her cup of coffee, then afterwards, she went straight to the bathroom to get ready.

After a few minutes, Lara is now walking her way towards the bus stop to go to work...


Inside the elevator.

"It's payday today, so we should splurge a little bit tonight! Where do you want to go, girls?"

"Oh, why don't we try that newly-opened restaurant at the Metropolis?"

"Yes, that's a great idea! I've been wanting to go there. I've read many good reviews about that restaurant."

Lara suddenly felt self-conscious while listening to the girls inside the elevator. These three girls looks really pretty and glamorous as office ladies, and she feels so embarrassed with herself. She's wearing her usual black, one piece jumpsuit uniform and it looks entirely different from the branded clothes and shoes that these girls are wearing.

She is working as a janitress at Etoile Cosmetics for five years already. She's thankful for her job, but sometimes, she can't help but wonder... What if she's an office worker who looks beautiful, glamorous and chic? What if she can also afford to buy herself some expensive stuff and she can also eat at a high-class restaurant?

Lara sometimes imagine those things, but she always goes back to reality.

She's Lara, a poor woman who working hard everyday to make ends meet...

The cleaning and maintenance department should be riding on a different elevator, and the office employees have their own lifts, but their elevator is not working so they didn't have any choice but to use the white-collar workers' elevator...

She heaved a sigh of relief when the elevator opens, and those three girls started stepping out.

"Finally..." she said to herself.

But she suddenly froze in shock because she noticed that the owner and the President of Etoile Cosmetics company, Miss Amanda Montserrat. Her Boss looks so perfect and beautiful, and she looks like she walks straight from one of the fashion shows in Tokyo, Milan and Paris.

Aside from the physical beauty she possesses, she is also a successful entrepreneur. She's the epitome of a modern woman, a beauty with brains.

She wished to be like Amanda Montserrat, a beautiful, rich and a powerful woman who owns Etoile Cosmetics company. The world is her oyster, and she lives a perfect live. She's a trillionaire, she's a genius woman running a cosmetic empire on her own and she is engaged to be married to Emmett Albreicht, who is an extremely famous hotel magnate.

Lara's train of thoughts stop in a halt when she heard Amanda Montserrat's voice.

"Hello, how's your day?" her Boss smilingly asked her.

Lara wasn't able to speak for a split second because she can't believe that her Big Boss is talking to her right now! She only sees her from afar, and this is the first time seeing her this close!

"G-Good day, Madame!" she responded, while looking nervous.

"Please, just call me Amanda. And I hope you're having a good day today?" Amanda chirped.

"Yes, I guess so..." Lara forced herself to speak again.

"Hmm, your answer's a little vague... Tell me honestly, aren't you happy working here? Is someone bullying you? We might do something about it." Amanda encourages her to speak again.

"Oh, it's nothing like that Madame---uh, Amanda... I don't have any problems working in the company, it's just that I can't help but to feel jealous of other employees working at the beauty department. They look so pretty, classy, and happy." Lara doesn't have any idea on why she said those things, but she strangely feels comfortable talking to her Boss.

"But are you sure they are all happy?" Amanda asked her a serious question.

Lara was taken back by Amanda Montserrat's question. And she got a point. How the heck did she know that all those girls are happy?

"You see what I mean? You can't really define a person's happiness with their physical. appearance, expensive clothes, shoes and money... So you shouldn't feel jealous of other people." Amanda Montserrat gave her a piece of advice, while looking sincere.

Lara was about to say something but she wasn't able to do so when the elevator doors suddenly opens, and Amanda steps outside. And before the elevator closes, Amanda spoke again.

"I'll see you around, girl!"

The elevator doors closes again and now, it's making its way to the groundfloor.

She fell into a deep thought, as she tries to remember Amanda's advice to her. She actually wanted to ask her if she's happy being a successful businesswoman, managing a huge cosmetics empire. Not to mention, she is engaged to the most eligible and rich hotel magnate, which is Emmett Albreicht.

But her brief conversation with Amanda Montserrat made her feel better just a little bit. However, it doesn't change the fact that money can still make her happy and contented in life.

And maybe if they could switch places for a few minutes, Amanda will be able to understand where she's coming from...

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